Monday 18 November 2013

Motivational Monday #30

It's difficult to think of yourself as being someone really significant given the fact there are approximately 7 billion people on this planet. With so many people leaving their footprints on the Earth, it is sometimes hard to think of ourselves as being better than the last person who stepped where we have. It's hard to think of things that will make the world remember us when we're gone but no matter how small our contribution to the world is, it's still a contribution and it makes a difference. It's this mindset that we should have because otherwise we won't just destroy ourselves, we'll destroy the world.
This is my message to you today. Don't just live your life thinking that everything you do is insignificant or can't contribute to the world. Just because there are big names like Martin Luther King who changed the world, or Ghandi who influenced everyone since he lived etc, doesn't mean that they didn't start as small as each and every one of us. Their life because the message that influenced the world. They lived their life by what they believed and it was through that they inspired the world. The chances are, none of us are going to be that inspiring to the whole world, but we can be inspiring to those around us.

From our strength and our beliefs, we can inspire those around us and those that are to come into our family. Make sure that your life is the inspiring message that you would want people to live by. Live by what you believe in and make sure that you follow your dreams. 

My friends inspire me everyday, my parents inspire me and I know a lot more people will inspire me as I go through life. I hope that I can be an inspiration to my friends, family and the children that I teach. I hope that for my niece or nephew that is coming next year I can inspire him/her to be happy and healthy; to always follow their dreams and never ever once feel like they don't matter.

We leave behind a legacy of a life- make sure your legacy is one that is passed down through generations. Make sure you leave something inspiring. Be the best you you can be!

I don't know if this makes sense to people; I hope it does. All I'm basically trying to say is live life to the fullest, inspire people and be inspired. Make your life fruitful and your message clear that happiness doesn't get given to you, you acquire it from hard work and sadness that you are able to overcome.

I love you all!

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