Thursday 28 November 2013

Throwback Thursday #15

I haven't done one of these in a while simply because I haven't had the time to look at old pictures to share them with you. I'm hoping that when I do get some free time, I will collect loads so I can start this up again because I really did love sharing with you my history and my memories. Today's Throwback Thursday is going to be a little different because coming up to the year mark of my goal, I was looking back at some of my old blogs and came across this one blog for my expectations of 2013 and I thought I would address how 2013 has gone so far for me according to what I wanted from 2013:

Here was the blog if you want to go back and read it before you read this blog. I'd advise it because I forgot what my expectations were so I think you might've if you were around to read it then:

♥ Finish my story - FAIL
I haven't finished my story, and this makes me incredibly sad. I am a little embarrassed by how much I didn't stick to this plan. I only managed to get to 97,932 words and for some people that would be a big achievement but I know that I could've easily worked my butt off to finish it but I didn't. And I shouldn't take it as a negative because I have written a story that is virtually finished that is almost 100,000 words and so I guess this is a fail because I didn't technically finish it. But in life, it's a pass. 

♥ Say yes - PASS
I did this a lot when I was at uni but also after I left, I made sure that I said yes to a lot of things. I said yes to continuing my studies after I finished uni to become a teacher and I have gained a lot of friends from that. I have said yes to plans that my friends at uni have suggested and it meant that I have formed such close friendships with them. And I have continued to say yes to things I want to do. Bearing in mind, the things I don't want to do, I have also worked on saying no rather than just doing something because I'm too afraid of being honest with other people and myself. I'm definitely going to continue this.

♥ Get a 2:1 degree - PASS
I passed this and I am still amazed at the fact I did. This is one of the biggest achievements I've ever done to date and I'm proud of myself. There's nothing else I can say because I am overwhelmed with joy that I did it.

♥ Be happy - PASS/FAIL
I can't say that I've passed or failed this one completely because I have been incredibly happy at times but at the same time I've been incredibly sad. And now? I feel the exact same, some days I'm incredibly happy and sometimes I'm devastatingly sad. I've had a hard 3 years and my hard times keep on rolling for now and it'd be weird if I said this year was happy because it hasn't be. I've had heartache and heartbreak. If I'm perfectly honest, I can't wait to see the back of 2013, it was meant to be the happier year but it turned out that it was devastating. But at the same time, I have been happy. I've had some brilliant moments and still do; so I class this as a pass and a fail. I'm still trying to make myself more happy than I am sad but it's a working progress.

♥ Be healthy - PASS
I don't eat the best but I know the difference between eating and not eating and I skimmed that line last year around this time. I don't like to admit it but if I had continued on the road that I was travelling on last winter, I would have turned anorexia. But now, I am a healthy weight, my mind is in a healthy way and I have such healthy relationships with my family and friends. Sure, I am moany and sometimes start arguments, but I also have lots of laughs and am always therefore for everyone when they need me. I've got a brilliant group of people around me and I am blessed!

♥ Be the best Nicole I can be - PASS/FAIL
I think if we're talking about being the best Nicole I can be given circumstances, I agree I have passed this. If we are talking about being the best Nicole I can be, period, I will have failed this. I have been up and down all the time for the past 9 months and I still am but I am working on it. And I want to continue working on it, even if that means that I need to talk to someone about the experiences I've been through- I want to be the best Nicole I can be and I think I am on the road to being that person. I just need a little bit further to go! But I'll get there, I know I will...

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