Wednesday 27 November 2013


I have decided that today's blog will be a teachery one simply because I am so proud of myself to getting this far and still loving teaching. If you do not want to read about it, I won't hold it against you... MUCH.

But these are the ways I can tell I am becoming a bona fide teacher in the making.

1. When I take the register...
All the children say Good morning/afternoon lovely/beautiful/cheeky Miss Ryan. I even got a Good afternoon beautiful Miss Ryan, I love you. That for me was the pinnacle of becoming a teacher that is liked.
BUT I have to say, I am sad that there are no paper/book registers anymore, it's all done on a computer. LAME.

2. The amount of hugs and compliments.
I can't begin to tell you how many hugs I get a day, and how many times the little girls comment on my pretty dress or how much I am a lovely teacher.

Now, those two are for my own personal love because I want to be an effective teacher but I also want to be liked and accepted. But these next couple of points really does put a smile to my face and a squeeze to my heart.

3. Getting called Mum.
Today, it happened twice and I couldn't hold in my glee when I got called Mum because I know that Mum's are always there to help you when you need it or to make you feel better when you're sad. And all the best teachers get called Mum because in a way you do become their Mum for the time in school. Perhaps it doesn't mean as much as I think it does but I am going to take it as being a relatively good teacher and be done with it.

4. I can finally get silence when I want it.
This one has been a struggle for me because I've been told that I have a soft voice and I am shy so when I have to raise my voice slightly it does scare me. But now, I am becoming more and more confident with telling children to be quiet and I can get the whole class' attention with a mixture of praise and raising my voice. It's an achievement and today I really felt like I can make it as a teacher.

This was a really quick and silly blog because I have a lot of evaluating and planning to do for tomorrow- it's my first day of half day management and I'm a little cared. I get tired after one lesson so we'll see how 2 goes. I'll let you know!

Anyway, I love you all and will talk to you later

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