Saturday 8 February 2014

Day of Wants

I want this top:
Wouldn't you say I am kind of a big deal on my blog? ;) I think I am. I mean, I really do love this blog and I don't know about you or whether you like reading it, but it truly makes me happy. So many times I've thought about giving up blogging every day and although it wouldn't be  the end of the world, it would make me sad. I love writing and starting this crazy journey has allowed me to write every day more than I have ever written before. As long as I see one person reading my blog every day, I'll continue this journey. If I entertain just one person, it's a blog well written in my eyes!

I want this shop:
If you know anything about me, you know that this shop is basically my life. It's basically everything that I would love and want in my house/room and if I ever step foot in this shop, it will be the death of my bank. Everything in it looks so pretty and would perfectly fit the way I am and the style I have. It's so shabby chic and antique'y unique that I love it. The little things that are in this shop are so beautiful and I want!

I want this chocolate:
This is my absolute favourite chocolate. If you got this for me, I would be yours! YUM!

I want this man:
He's so gorgeous. There are no more words that I can use to describe this man other than I think he's perfection, if there was such a thing. HOT!

And preferably, I'd have all of these things at one time. I'd be sat cuddling with Patrick, eating chocolate whilst being surrounded by all the beautifully made things from Flutterbyes whilst in my blogging top... Wouldn't that be a fabulous Saturday?
I'll just eat the Galaxy chocolate that I have and dream about the rest... 

I'm going to a 9 year old's birthday party today! It's the little boy that I tutor once a week and he's adorable. His invitation was via text and went a little like this:
"Do you want to come to my birthday party? It is on Saturday after 6pm. I would be happy if you do." With a thumbs up emoticon at the end. How could I say no to that little cute message?


I'm buying Pizza Hut pizza afterwards too for dinner. Because I'm fat...
I'll stop this blog now. It's a whole lot of random. 


Don't tell anyone but I'm avoiding doing work again. It's becoming a habit!


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