Wednesday 26 February 2014

Grey's Anatomy

I have a love affair with Grey's Anatomy and have been waiting patiently for two months for its return to find out the result of the massive cliffhanger that they left me with. I always end up crying at Grey's Anatomy for many reasons and the finales have always such a profound amount on me.

One of my worst finales was with Lexie and Mark. That was heartbreaking and I hated Shonda for all the devastating storylines that she creates! They were my favourite characters at the time and I couldn't believe it at the time! Terrible terrible storyline BUT so good at the same time. You sneaky bean, Shonda. You get it so right every single time!
Now, back to the current storyline, I won't tell you what happens on the cliffhanger because I know that some of you might not have watched it and I would HATE to ruin anything for you. But I can't wait to find out what happens and the biggest excitement of this week is that I am going to be able to watch the next episode on Friday after having waiting for it for ages!

Also, The Vampire Diaries, another love of mine, went on about a 2 week break and I miss being able to watch a new episode each week BUT there is a God because that is also back tomorrow and so Friday is going to be a good day.
Not only is Friday going to be great because it's the end of the week and therefore it is time for the weekend with two days off, but it also gives me two new episodes of two of my favourite shows ever. It's the little things in life that I love.

They make me happy!


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