Thursday 6 February 2014

Thoughtful Thursday - Bonus Blog!

I haven't been a very good blogger recently, but I am sat here on a Thursday night whilst the rain is hammering down outside and I'm actually doing some university work for once. To be perfectly honest, I've felt like I haven't needed to start my essays purely because they aren't due until the 14th March. Until now, that's been ages away. Let's be honest, more than a month is ages to write two 2,500 essays... Right?

But today, even though I've got a cold and a sniffle, it has been a day when I've felt like I need to do some work. I started with my reflections and I did well doing the two most recent ones that I needed to do and then I started on my personal statement, which I'll let you know, is not fun. I don't like writing about myself and the fact this personal statement is going to be sent to head teachers around the place scares the living daylights out of me. This personal statement isn't going to another uni for a course, it's going to contribute in me finding a job. That doesn't feel okay to me! It's too much pressure.
So after I wrote the easiest part of the personal statement (200 words) I thought I would move onto something else because I didn't know what else to write. And also the thought of writing more scared me too much. I'll leave that for another day. Anyone that is brill at writing personal statements for primary jobs, please help me out! So, I moved onto the current essay that I am writing, or was writing before I got pulled into the blog world. It's too enticing when I'm supposed to be doing anything BUT blogging. Isn't that a funny thing? You can hate writing blogs (which I don't FYI) and you'll do it when you're meant to be working because it means you're not doing what you're meant to be doing. We're a little weird as a species. Procrastination is our best friend.

And I've done 2,083 words (rough at the very best) of 2,500 word essay, which I think is pretty darn good. And considering the fact I want my two main essays to be finish by the time half term is up (23/01/2014), I feel like I'm on the right track.
UNLESS, I keep blogging instead of writing essays.

I realise this blog is just a big fat conscious stream of a my mind but I thought it might make up for some of the less thoughtful blogs that I have been churning out recently. I do love blogging but I feel like in my hectic lifestyle, it's one of the first things that suffers because it does take a little while to think of ideas and actually write it.

What are you doing with your Thursday night? Is it as productive as mine? I doubt it because everyone else is in jobs and don't have to write stupid essays! BLEURGH.

Verbal spontaneous blogging over.
CIAO xxx

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