Monday 10 February 2014

Motivational Monday #39

I think this is one thing that we all need to remember in a world where we feel like we need to impress everyone and do anything that comes our way.
Somewhere along the way, we have lost our ability to think for ourselves. And that's not just us as an individual, that's us as a collective species. We have been consumed by the idea that society is greater than our individual needs and we must first and foremost impress those that are around us with what we do. Even from a young age, we are pressured into doing things that are potentially wrong and don't make us happy just because someone else has said we have to. The classic example of peer pressure to make sure that we do things that we later regret.

We've forgotten that we don't have to always do as someone asks and we don't always have to continue doing something if it makes us sad. There is a time in everyone's life when they stop for a second and think about their life and whether they are actually happy doing what they have been doing. And chances are, they will say no, they aren't. But the trouble is we don't see it until it's too late. We dig ourselves into a huge hole that makes us unhappy and then we get stuck in that rut.

We need to all remember that we are not passive people that go along in life doing something that doesn't make us happy. We need to remember that we are active people with an active choice to change things that we don't like. Life is too short to do things that make you sad. You need to make sure that every choice you make, makes you happy and is going to benefit you. That's for every aspect of your life whether that is the company you keep or the job that you do. 
If it doesn't make you happy, don't do it. Change it. And if it does make you happy, do everything in your power to keep it in your life; make sure that that happiness never leaves you because if there's one thing that is richer than anything in the world, it's the ability to be happy.
At the end of the day, your life will be measured on how well you spent it and how happy you made yourself and those around you. Make sure that your life counts and that when you look back, you have a bank full of happy memories.

I'm going to be very happy today because I get to see Taylor Swift and I'm super excited. BE HAPPY!

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