Tuesday 18 February 2014

Day Two: Best Friend Date

1. It's the second day of my half term and I have attempted to do some of my essay but realise that I sound like a three year old that should go back to school rather than pursuing a career in teaching. The trouble is that the essay guidance wasn't clear to us OR the lecturers that set it for us and so now we're all unclear about how we should be going about it... I need to get a move on doing more!
2. I look so rough today. You know those days when even make up doesn't cover up how bad you look? That's my day today. I put make up on but I just looked orange so I took it all off again and settled for the minimal look of concealer just underneath my eyes. I apologise everyone that has to look at me- this is what I currently look like.
3. I don't really get a lot of spare time when I'm at uni and when I do, I'm too tired to even move so today, I am making the most of being off and I am going on a best friend date with Gerri! We are going to the cinema to see Endless Love (check out the review that is sure to come this week) and then we are going to a Tapas restaurant for some dinner. I'm not sure if I'll like it but I'll give it a go and perhaps I'll find something that I do love! 
I love spending time with my friends and it makes me realise how lucky I am to have them. My friends and I are the type of people where we don't need to be living out of one another's pockets. We don't always have to be texting or on the phone, or even seeing each other every week. It's lovely when we do but we can go days, or even weeks without spending time with one another and we still know that we're really good friends. 

You realise as you get older than keeping in touch with friends changes a little. It's no longer having to keep talking every night or always seeing each other, it turns into a deeper friendship when you know that even if you haven't spoken for a couple of days, you're always there for that person no matter what. It's those friends that survive the transition that are your very best friends. And I'm so happy to say that I have some of the best friends out there. I love them all and I'm looking forward to spending the day with Gerri!
Have a brilliant, albeit rainy, Tuesday and hope you all aren't working too hard!

My sister is going on maternity leave today, which means that baby Ryan/Walker is coming soon and I can't wait!

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