Thursday 13 February 2014

Valentine's Day for Single People

Tomorrow, I'm not going to be celebrating Valentine's Day because like many of us, I don't have a partner, but that's okay. Valentine's Day doesn't necessarily mean that you need a boyfriend or a girlfriend. It doesn't necessarily mean that you need to go out on a date to save yourself from being alone on that day because although Valentine's Day is a holiday that centres around love. It's a socially constructed holiday that we have developed and over-commercialised for monetary gain.

Now, I'm not against Valentine's Day, I think it's cute for couples to spend the day/night being able to remember why they fell in love and to make sure that they do something romantic. It's good because it makes people stop and cherish the things that on normal days, they don't.

But I've thought of some ideas for single people and what to do on Valentine's Day:

♥ Spend the night with your family.
If you aren't dating someone and your family don't have any plans; who says it's not socially acceptable to spend Valentine's Day with your family. It's a day about love and love isn't always romantic love- it's about love in all shapes and forms. Love for a parent, love for a sibling and if you're at that age, love for a child. Love isn't just one dimensional. Spend the day with those you love, that's the whole point of the day!

♥ Go out and have fun!
Just because you're single on Valentine's Day, it doesn't mean that there aren't plenty of other single people of the opposite (or same) sex that are just waiting to find someone that they might be able to love. Instead of moping around that you're single feeling sorry for yourself, if you really want someone then go out, have fun and get mingling with all those lovely eligible people! It's more fun when you can flirt with strangers!

♥ Have a girlie night in.
If you and your friends are all single, why not make the day about your friendship? Why not celebrate the fact that you are all together and are such good friends. There's nothing better than putting on a film and eating take-away food on Valentine's Day. My housemate, Charlotte and I used to go to the cinema every Valentine's Day in Cardiff because we were both single and we didn't have any other plans. I loved it because it was like a little friendship date. It was fun! I'm going to miss doing that this year.

♥ Be happy.
You shouldn't be jealous or bitter about the fact you are alone because as long as you're happy, that's the main thing. I know there are a lot of people out there that are not happy and are in a relationship because they feel they need that other person to make them happy. But you don't. I'd rather be alone on Valentine's Day and happy than to have someone to spend it with but to not be able to be happy on my own. If you're happy with yourself when you're alone, then anyone who dates you in the future is a very lucky person.

♥ Make the day about yourself.
A lot of people are incredibly negative on themselves and find themselves hating themselves. Instead of making this day about loving someone else, make the day dedicated to loving yourself. Make the promise to yourself that you won't think anything negative about yourself and that you will always try and see the good things in life and situations. Make sure that you don't put yourself down but instead give yourself compliments and in the evening, make the night about pampering yourself. You are the most important person in your life so why wouldn't you want to love yourself?

♥ See it as any other Friday.
Valentine's Day doesn't need to be a huge deal. It doesn't need to be made out to be a fantastic day where you're missing out if you don't have a partner. It is just another ordinary Friday with a name. It doesn't have to be a day out of the ordinary. Go to work, come home, maybe have a glass of wine and enjoy the fact that it's Friday and the weekend is finally here. Don't stress about making it a different day to any other one. It doesn't need to be!

My one wish for this Valentine's Day is that all the single people in the world don't feel bad. I wish that everyone without a boyfriend/girlfriend feels empowered by their ability to live their life alone and be happy for the time being- don't see it as a negative to not have a date this Valentine's Day. There are plenty of other things in life to think about rather being in love- like a good job or making sure that you have a strong self-esteem in yourself/loving who you are before you find someone else to love.

Just be happy, okay?!

Lots of love,

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