Sunday, 9 June 2013

Cake Pops

As you all know, I absolutely love giraffes. And this may be because I am naturally tall and my friend, Hollie, likens me to a giraffe at every opportunity that she gets but I love them. They are officially my favourite animal and I secretly want to have a giraffe as a pet. I would breed them and eventually have a whole field of giraffes running around as my friends... Too far?

I found this on video on Youtube that I want to try and before we get into actually showing the video, I would like to say a disclaimer type thing before you all think I'm some crazy girl that watches absolute crap on Youtube... I like watching cooking tutorials. I never try them, and it doesn't matter if they're savoury dishes or desserts but I love them. I don't know whether it's because where I've been at University, my cooking expertise has extended to just pasta with the occasional chicken dish or whether I'm just intrigued in how good people get at creating things but I like to watch them. Okay, now that is over and done with.

I present to you, the cutest cake pops in the entire world:
You knew it had to be giraffe cake pops. I am so tempted to try and make these but I know I would fail tremendously and it puts me off. Let's be honest: I'm not the greatest decorator nor baker and this is like the top dog of all creations. They're just so darn cute and I've not seen another cake that I've wanted more than the previous giraffe cake I craved. (I Want a Giraffe Cake)

I don't know whether I will try to make them. I did originally want to make them for my friends for my 21st birthday but as the time is getting closer, the thought of having to make them is getting scarier and I'm not sure I'd be able to execute them with such cuteness that the woman did on the video.
This would end up being my attempt... Pitiful
Maybe I'll just stick to the English'y stuff and leave the creative, decorating cakes to other, more talented people. Who knows? You may just get a cake pop tutorial like that on here one of these days!

If someone else is talented in bakery, please make me these. I'll love you forever :D
Cheers darling!


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