Thursday, 27 June 2013

Throwback Thursday #6

I once again forgot about Throwback Thursday. The problem is, my days are slowly merging into one big long day and I never know whether it's Monday, Wednesday or Thursday etc. But thankfully, at the last minute, I was able to remember the day and bring you this wonderful, probably not going to be wonderful at all, blog.
This is a picture of my lovely Mum when she was younger. Let me first start by drawing your attention to the state of the art television set that was available back in the 90s. Wasn't it just beautiful? I don't think at that time anyone would've imagined how much televisions would have changed in the future. It looks like something from the stone age... Also, I wanted to point out the fetching 90s floral curtains and carpet. I'm not sure where the 90s got their fashion sense from but I'm mighty glad that it's no longer that garish anymore. Although, I do miss those days.

Right off track as usual, the story that is connected to this picture is that years ago, when we were all in primary school, my Mum used to have to make 6 Easter bonnets for the Easter bonnet parade that happened every year. She used to stay up so late, spending hours putting on little eggs and chicks on the bonnet so we could wear it to the parade. I would remember watching her and then I got bored but she continued and in the morning, she had always produced amazing bonnets. I loved them. As I look back on it now though, I realise how much effort she went to and in reality, we only wore them for about 20 minutes max. Plus, we never wore the same bonnet twice, and so every year she would remake them all, slightly different. It was such dedication and I'm so thankful for how much she cared and the time she put in for us. It truly is amazing.
 This is a picture of all of us kids with my great grandmother. Once again, I love how smiley we all are in this picture. I think I'm reaching for something or someone, but knowing me, I'm probably just being a little bit special... This is a rare occasion because me and my sister are not wearing the exact same as my other 3 sisters and my brother for that matter. I wonder why we got to wear something different but probably won't ever know why. I love how I also look out for whether we're wearing matching clothes- you can tell we matched a lot as children.

This is the final picture of this Throwback Thursday of me and my brother with his blonde hair on one of those stupid kid rides that you pay a pound for and it ends up just rocking forward and back- a waste of money if you ask me! This was on one of our great camping trips. I also realise that I'm probably about 3 or 4 in this picture and I still have a dummy... I also realise that I probably didn't give up that dummy for some time. I can only imagine what sort of child I was and given how stubborn I am now, I was probably more stubborn as a child who wants everything her way.
 I'm also a little jealous that my brother got to drive when I was older and clearly going to be a better driver. I bet because he was younger, my Mum put him in front when in fact I should've been driving. I'm not bitter, I promise!

That wraps up my Throwback Thursday this week. Next week because I found a couple of my old phones, I am hoping to do a Throwback Thursday Phone Edition if I can remember. In fact, I might be sneaky and write it now so I don't forgot ;) That should be exciting and I'm looking forward to seeing how many of you remember or had the phones I did.

Love you all, have a great day!

If you have missed any of the other Throwback Thursdays and want to read all the stories I have divulged, click here to check them out:
Throwback Thursday #1
Throwback Thursday #2
Throwback Thursday #3
Throwback Thursday #4
Throwback Thursday #5

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