Wednesday 12 June 2013

Shopping Truths

I went shopping today for a dress for my birthday on Saturday. Shock horror, I found nothing... The idea of shopping is amazing. You think you'll go there, there will be exactly what you're looking for on the racks right in front of your face as in you walk into an almost empty, and cool shop... What you fail to tell your brain before going shopping is everything I am going to tell you now...
1. You go in with an exact idea of what you want.
You never find anything close to what you want. In fact, I'd go as far to say that what you want is exactly the opposite of everything that is currently in the shops at the moment. I can't help but have an idea of what I want when I go shopping but whenever I come home, I'm always disappointed because I can't find it. It's impossible.

2. It'll only take me an hour.
It ends up taking several hours and stretches closer to a day journey than it does an hour. You go from shop to shop trying to find that exact idea that you had and when you hit your limit of shopping, you think: "I'll just try here, then I go home." Then when you get to that shop, you spy another that might just have what you're looking for and if you don't check it you know that it will have it and you'll kick yourself, so you go in that shop and say the same line as before until you find yourself having gone in another 10 shops that has made you 10x pissed off from where you were before.

3. I'll keep to my budget.
You either spend nothing or you go way over your budget that you don't want to think about your next bank statement that will come through. I never have a shopping trip that is an in between where I pick up 2 things that I need. It's a case where I find nothing at all that I wanted or I buy 5 items that I didn't even go out for and therefore weren't in my budget at all. It's a cruel mistress that takes everything or gives nothing when you have everything to give.
4. You go out for a complete outfit.
You come home with underwear or shoes. Helpful.

5. It'll make you feel better after a bad day.
They say that shopping is the best therapy but the truth is you end up coming home feeling like crap either because you've spent too much and now feel guilty or you don't find anything you want and consequently feel crap. It's not fun and it makes you feel worse. In my case, I see all the beautiful items of clothing and have to leave them lonely in the shop because I can't afford to bring them home. Just don't do it is my thought. 

6. You buy everything you wanted to buy.
Best case scenario- the shopping trip goes exactly to plan, you find everything you wanted to buy and it was in budget. You bring them all home and excited take them out of the bag to realise that you no longer like them as much as you did when you were in the shop. In fact, you try them on again and you feel the crushing feeling that you hate it and will have to return them again. The excitement of trying new things on clouded your judgement and now you're left with clothes that you don't even want.

Basically, shopping sucks. We all do it and we all want to love it like they show in the films but the reality is that it's not fun and in the end, it all crumbles down to shredded ego and tears. As you can tell, I'm not the greatest fan of shopping but it has to be done ladies and we endure it like we endure  labour... Why do we want to constantly punish ourselves?

I hope you have enjoyed my shopping truths and if you nodded your head to at least 4 of these 6, then you know that they're truths. Let me know whether you agree with my truths or if you think of any more. Have a great day :D

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