Back to reality with a big ol' fat bump!
I arrived back to Uni yesterday and enjoyed my evening chatting up with my housemates, and laughing at how ridiculous we are when we get together but loving every second of it. I had my first exam on my mind but there's nothing more irritating that a downer Debbie when being reunited to best friends so I shoved it to the back on my mind knowing that I could go all out and be some hardcore, maniac reviser today.

BUT instead of wallowing in self pity and not working my ass off to do better in my exam; I am sat here with 30 references/pieces of news running round my head ready for this one exam and boy, I hope I remember each and every point to kick its ass. The thing I don't like about assignments and exams is the need for original thinking. If you know me, you know I'm not original in the slightest. I can never seem to look past whatever else had been done by the professional linguistics and so I fail massively on that point. Nevertheless, I have delved deep into each topic and pulled out bits of information and examples that I hope nobody else will have done, hopefully giving me an edge.
I have worked out that even if I get a 54% in this exam, and 60% in the other two (at the very least), I can still maintain my 2:1 and that has given me a relief and a half. I hope I can do well in it. This year I have worked my butt off and I know that for my other two pieces of coursework, I have done well and so I know that I can do it.
Anyone wanna hear about my references for Forensic Linguistics? I can tell you all about them hahah!
Love to you all,
I'll be slowly pulling my very short hair out with the stress of remembering so if I end up Britney Spears by the time tomorrow rolls around, you know why...
BYEEE! xxx
P.s. There are only 5 days left to get me to 2000 views. We are currently on 1826 which means there needs to be 34.8 views for each blog that is coming next... I believe in you, and apologise for the great challenge I set for you all.
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