First and foremost, happy new year everyone. We made it to 2013!!
And secondly, I did it!!
The second of December I set myself the challenge of blogging everyday of the month of December I even had little faith in myself to complete such a challenge that I had compiled two other challenges beneath the ultimate goal. If you didn't read about this challenge, the link is here to go back and remind yourself of my goals: http://studenttoaspiringwriter.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/on-second-day-of-christmas.html (Don't worry, it opens in a new link!)
The fact of the matter is I did it and now I am the most amazing, awesome person in the whole wide world.
If I'm completely honest, if I wasn't so hungover, feeling so rubbish right now, I would be dancing around the room like a maniac BUT, I am and so I am going to have a quiet, little victory dance in my seat whilst wincing with the stomach discomfort. Despite the fact I have slight tonsillitis, earache and a persistent cough, I, in true student manner, went out last night and got drunk instead of being at home and taking lots of medicine to make myself better... When will I ever learn to put my own health before partying? Never mind, I had a good night.
What a way to start 2013!!
The best thing about this is that I feel on top of the world; with the ability to do whatever I want. I have it inside of me to set myself a goal and work my butt off to achieve it. So what, people might say... It's only a blog every day for 31 days. But for those that have that mentality, I ask them to set themselves the challenge, or one that is similar, and see how they fare with it.
It's my victory and victory sure does taste sweet.
We made it, and I wish you the very best for the year and hope all your dreams come true, and if they don't; work hard to make them come true :)
As always, I love you all, you beautiful people. Until next time, byeeee :D
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