1. Stalking. None of you reading this can sit there and deny the fact that you have been on Facebook for an hour or so, potentially longer simply clicking on people's pages and looking to see what they've been up to, what pictures they've posted and to find out as much gossip as you possibly can. Sometimes, I wonder whether that was the actual incentive to creating such a site. I know I do like to have a good look at people and see how "nicely" they've come along over the years...
2. Procrastinating This may just be applicable to female students, or people with a very boring job, or partner ;) but I definitely have a tab open of Facebook constantly to go to whenever I don't want to do work. It draws me in and I feel like I am doing something semi-useful... Okay, so not useful in the slightest but I defy you to find someone who would actively work over wasting time on Facebook.
3. Look at your crushes page. Come on, fess up all your lovely ladies. I know I can't be the only one that scopes out the page of the guy that I currently like. The extent that people do this is completely up to you, and personal but I know it happens. And I also know that this ultimately puts us in a bad mood because there are things that we don't want to see, but see anyway. We should really stop... but I know that we won't.
4. Bitch. If there is one thing that women are programmed to do, it is bitch about other people. All you hypocritical women out there shaking their head and being offended that I say all women do it, you're kidding yourself- just accept that one time or another you have bitched about another person extensively. The main thing I hate about what we do is bitch and judge. It's not enough for us to be happy in how we are, what we look like and what he have; but we have to look at other people's pictures and be horrible. I am DEFINITELY in this category and not for one second am I saying that I don't bitch. I just wish I didn't.
5. Profile pictures. This is amazing at how many people change their profile picture and write a comment about how "ugly" they are to have people write below that they are beautiful, gorgeous and the like. The demographic for this point is generally younger women, but I know that some older women put a profile picture up and wait for the likes and the compliments. Hell, who am I to judge? Everyone wants people to like and think they look good. I know I do. So, like my profile picture, yeah? ;) haha!
6. Best friends. Every single girl friend instantly become your best friend on Facebook. In fact, that term is thrown around so often, it is unbelievable. I'm not saying you can't have more than one best friend but I have noticed in my time that there will be friends who haven't seen each other in years who instantly become best friends because one commented on the other's status or whatever. To be perfectly honest, I'd rather this than being bitchy, so it doesn't annoy me!
Well, that is my sum up of some of the things I have noticed when being on Facebook, and being a girl myself. I have realised that I can be QUITE the bitch and apologise profusely. Never mind, I'm pretty sure there's at least 10 other girls doing the exact same thing to me: judging and bitching about me. That's cool :P
Next time you're on Facebook, think about what you do and see if you can find anything that I haven't mentioned.
Love you all!
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