It's almost been a month since 2013 begun and I feel like I have done absolutely nothing. Sure enough, I have done my January exams and I have continued blogging everyday since my December challenge ended and 2013 begun but other than that, I can't say I have done an awful lot.
I have always been a little wary with setting goals for the year given the fact I'm not too great at finishing them but I have decided that I am going to set myself some expectations of 2013 that I hope I can achieve.
It's nothing like making sorta New Years Resolutions 29 days after the new year has begun ;)
I like to keep things interesting...
♥ Finish my story

♥ Say yes!
I always have a thing for saying no to plans that people make. I get nervous and I get a little anxious and end up declining, especially with my uni friends and going out. This year (specifically until June), I want to say yes to as many things as I feel semi-comfortable with. Stepping out of my comfort zone is a hard thing to do, but I already started this expectation off on Thursday, which I was proud of myself for. I just need to keep it up.
♥ Get a 2:1 degree
To be perfectly honest, if I manage to screw up this degree and come out with less than a 2:1, I will actually cry my heart out. With how hard I've tried through the 3 years, I feel like I deserve my 2:1.
♥ Be happy
How very typical and unrealistic you are, Nicole. I don't mean be happy of every second, of every minute, of every day; but I do mean being able to look back on the year and know that majority of the year, I was honest to God happy. I have the most amazing family and friends that I don't see why I should ever feel like I have a need to be unhappy more than I am happy.
♥ Be healthy
I don't mean go on the latest diet to try and lose weight, in fact if anything I feel like I need to put on weight to maintain a healthy Nicole. But I mean taking care of your health, eating a balanced diet and be emotionally healthy. I think most of us nowadays associate being healthy with being skinny but that is definitely not the case. I want to be of a healthy weight, mind with healthy relationships.
♥ Be the best Nicole I can be
I think all of these expectations mount up to my ultimate, overarching, umbrella expectation of me being the best I can be; not the best other people expect me to be but the best me. All the time we are too focused on competing with other people and feeling the pressure from others to be better but as long as you know in your heart of heart that you are the best you, you can be; you can't go wrong.
Have the best year this year, by being the best you with expectations of life that you work towards, not work towards failing.
Nicole xxx
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