I am currently writing this blog instead of doing work/revision for my upcoming exams...

The truth is, I am taking a break from doing revision and finding journal articles for a second to think about how lucky I am feeling at this moment in time. I have multiple times (far more times than you probably all want to read about) talked about my love of writing, especially stories that I strive so hard to finish. I recently got encouraged to start placing my stories online for others to read, rate and encou
rage me to continue. The best thing about having like-minded people read your work is that they have a love and passion for writing and will tell you if it's good or not; and if it's not how to improve.
Nevertheless, I have currently got 2 stories on the go that I am trying to finish and at the same time uploading online for people to read and I can't believe that my stories are actually liked by people. I have received
multiple comments from people about them and it choked me up to think that I am potentially a good writer in such a tough talent.
However much most of you probably don't find this as exciting as I do, I wanted to share my happiness and the overwhelming feeling of pride from these comments. I never really have been good at anything specific, other than being relatively good at general academic studies and so finding out that my writing could be my talent is extraordinary.
"Another fantastic story!"
"You write so beautifully, that it is so easy to relate to the characters and imagine everything playing out :)"
"This story is so amazing that I would not be surprised if you receive a lot more nice comments and fans who like your work :)"
"The story gets better and better as each chapter passes :)"
"Beautifully done!"
This blog has turned out to be a bit of big headed one, but it's the only thing in my life that I have really gotten complimented on and I couldn't believe that I could write well enough to be complimented at all, never mind by strangers. I apologise for the potential up my own ass'ness but I'm proud of myself. I hope it comes across that way and not that I'm trying to appear better than anyone because I really, honestly don't think I am.
Love to you all,
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