But, it doesn't have to be all bad when you think about it. You still have a day left to do whatever you want and instead of counting down how many hours left you have before the working week is done, you could make the most of the time instead.
Cue a list of things to do on a Sunday- what you've been waiting for since reading the title...
1. Sleep all day. Because we are always moaning about how we get lack of sleep during the week, why not catch up on it on Sunday- the last day you can before you have to go back to work. It'll make the day go quicker, but you'll be fully rested for the start of the working week.
2. Go shopping. Everyone loves shopping, you get out the house, you see all the lovely things that you can't buy... But it gives you a sense of having done something in the day and you never know, you might just find you bargain of the day to top off the weekend and give you something happy to start the week off with.
3. Cook a roast dinner. Invite friends and family round and cook a grand roast dinner with all the trimmings. Not only do you fulfil the age old tradition in England of Sunday roast, but you also get to spend it with some of the best people in your life making you happy rather than wallow in sadness.
4. Watch TV. Catch up on all the great (sarcasm) TV shows that are on offer for you on a Sunday. You could top this off with having lots of junk food around, vegging out on the sofa in your pyjamas without having showered or brushed your hair. Classy. (This is majority of what I do on Sundays, and most other days... I'm a student; it's a perfectly good excuse.)
5. Go to the cinema. You know you always see that advert on the TV or on the bus as it speeds by in your lunch hour, and you always say "I want to see that" but never get round to doing so; go do it. There's never a better chill down activity than sitting in a cinema and watching a good film. Or read a book; something that takes your mind away from everything in your life.
6. Go to the gym. After you've probably eaten rubbish, and potentially drunk alcohol over the weekend, you may feel guilty about the pounds you may have added to your waistline. There's nothing more exhilarating than working out; plus scientifically the endorphins and serotonin that you get from working out will make you happy and banish the negative thoughts about the upcoming week. Win-win.

There are plenty of options for a better way to spend your Sunday than being sad and moody. Try it today, instead of wallowing about the work that will be waiting for you on your desk tomorrow. Today, I'm spending the day with my family making the most of it, seeing as I am going back to Uni on Tuesday. We are also taking our parents out for a Chinese meal in the evening, thanking them for everything they do.
I shall speak to you tomorrow. Have a lovely, upbeat and non-negative Sunday however you may wish to spend it.
Bye :) xxxx
P.s. My view count is currently 1764. There's another 8 days to go before my 100th blog. According to my generally bad maths, that leaves another 236 views left and divided by 8, that would mean another 29.5 views on average per day. That is a challenge if I ever did see one...
You can do it :D thank you for everything, I love you guys!!
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