So for today's blog, I have decided to share with you another part of my story. The first to extracts compile to make the first chapter of my story. This next part will constitute the beginning of the second chapter. If you missed either of the instalments, I have links for them both for you to read before you read this one:
Chapter one, part one: http://studenttoaspiringwriter.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/the-colossal-misreckoning.html
Chapter one, part two: http://studenttoaspiringwriter.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/extract-numero-dos.html
I hope you enjoy and if you don't, I'll come back with another blog tomorrow and hope that it is much more to your taste :)
Love you to all, as always. Hope you have a lovely Monday, and don't let the blues get you down
"Eva placed her bag on the counter of the coffee shop waiting impatiently for the barista to come serve her. Eva had had a bad start to her Monday morning and was already running late for one of her meetings with the group of journalists and her boss. This meant that she would get a rubbish article to write about due to her lack of punctuality. she would probably get handed the article that dealt with the typical relationship in modern society, which did little very to challenge her brain. She groaned out loud and huffed her way through her annoyance trying to expel the negativity before she walked into the meeting late.
The last thing she needed was to be reprimanded for her attitude as well as her tardiness. In respect to herself, it wasn't her fault that she was late; she had set her alarms, got her bag ready for the morning and had gone to sleep at a reasonable time. The thing she didn't know in her careful planning was that the power would go off during the night and leave her well set alarm turned off and reset. Resulting in the alarm not going off and not waking her up in the time space she had allowed for getting ready. Being organised with a hatred for being late, she had even set her alarm half and hour earlier than the time she needed to get up to make sure she wasn't late; to avoid these types of mornings. Little that did for her today.
She had rung her office up the second she had realised she was late and explained the situation. Apparently, her boss had noticed her absence and she was put straight through to him much to her dislike. The tone of his voice told her that he wasn't happy at all and she wouldn't get a good reception from him when she got to the office and went to see him to pick up her assignments for the week. Trying to rationalise her anger, she realised that there was absolutely nothing she could do about it now and tried to etch away at her annoyance. Although there was still no sight of the barista and this only contributed to her sour mood, making her more and more impatient as the time went by.
Craning her neck, she looked around at the little room for staff away from the main coffee shop. She spied the barista complete with his green apron tied around his waist, talking to a well-dressed suited man. She couldn't tell whether their conversation was business or pleasure but the fact that they were talking during the time when he should've been serving only made her more annoyed regardless what it was about. Trying not to let her emotions get the better of her, she tapped her fingers against the counter in order to stop her anger from flaring up and her interrupting them to get her a coffee. She'd wait a couple more minutes out of politeness, and if she still hadn't been seen to, she'd say something. She told herself to count to ten hoping that once she hit ten, she'd be calmer or she'd be served.
Another couple of minutes had gone by, followed by another and then another. Surprisingly nobody else had joined the queue and it was just her waiting. Unfortunately for Eva, she had always been the shy child that would only speak up if she absolutely had to and even then it wasn't forceful or anything remotely confident; more like a shy squeak to get attention. Over the years, her job in journalism meant that for the most part she had to fake being confident to get the information she needed when but when she did, she hated it. Both of the guys were insanely attractive and it only added to Eva's self-conscious nature and so she waited a little longer choosing that over embarrassing herself in front of them.
After having waited a good twenty minutes, Eva finally plucked up the courage to raise her voice and say something to the guys who clearly had moved from any business talk they had to a more personal chat. She thought it was the height of rudeness that they hadn't noticed her standing her and stamped her way round the counter and stood in the doorway of the little room. Her temper had slowly begun to rise with the time she had waited and she didn't care how crazy she looked in telling them exactly what she thought. She flung her bag across her shoulder and stood with her hands on her hips.
"Excuse me, is this how you treat all of your customers? Leave them standing, waiting for you to serve them for a good twenty minutes whilst you had a good old chit-chat with your friend. Well, I'll have you know that I'm a journalist and I'm going to write an article about this place and its appalling customer service, if I can call it that at all. I hope you're happy with the fact that you've lost a valued customer today through your lack of attention. Have a good day and enjoy your chat!"
Feeling properly rifled and flustered from her little outburst, Eva turned on her heel and stomped her way back round the counter trying to lower her anger level that had burst straight through the meter measuring it. She hadn't realised until she had started talking how annoyed she had been. It was the last straw to break the camel's back; she was having a bad day and she just wanted to try and make it better but apparently life was too against her to let her do so. Just before she got to the door, both the barista and the man in the suit had ran to her side and created a wall of solid chest to stop her from leaving. More exact, the man in the suit had stopped her from leaving with his muscular form whilst the barista looked like he'd only just sprouted chest hair. This only added fuel to the fire burning inside of her and she glared at both of them.
"I can't do that, Miss, if you write that article about this place; I'll get fired. I need my job, please."
"Maybe you should've thought about that earlier or at least paid attention to your job in the first place. You only have yourself to blame if you lose your job. Now move, before I add harassment onto my list of things wrong with this coffee shop."
Neither of the guys moved and she wished that she was a good number of pounds heavier than she was. At least if she was heavier, she might've had a chance of pushing past them both but it looked like a solid mass of muscle and any attempts would be futile.
"It was my fault, Miss?"
"Spence," she bit out with vengeance.
"Miss Spence, I had called earlier to talk about putting on more fitness centred drinks, smoothies and whatnot, and once we got talking about it; it was hard to stop. You see, I get enthusiastic about my work and it was my fault that we got off track leaving you to stand waiting. I apologise."
She couldn't believe her ears when he had said sorry to her. Guys that looked liked him, and clearly worked in a high pressured job, didn't apologise to people; they made people apologise to them instead. Eva was sure that she was standing in front of him with her mouth wide open but she couldn't tell her brain to stop gawping.
"Is there anything I can do? Buy you a coffee, at the very least. What was it that you wanted?"
She looked from the face of the man in the suit, to the face of the barista and saw the worry written all over his face. He kept rubbing his sweaty palms together and she realised how nervous she had made him. She probably wouldn't have gotten the go-ahead to write such an article especially being late this morning, she didn't have the power but he thought she had and that was what made the threat so menacing. The moment she saw how vulnerable he looked, she felt guilty for getting irate at him. He only looked fresh out of college and was probably working to pay off his education. Her frown softened into a smile as she regained control of her emotions ad she looked back at the man in the suit.
"You can buy my coffee for the rest of this week. We can meet in here at 8 o'clock, and you can pay for whatever I wish to order for compensation of wasting my time with waiting."
"That sounds fair, Miss Spence."
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