Friday 27 September 2013

Forever Friends

Yesterday was an eventful day. I had uni the whole day and then I went out to bowling with my friends, Hollie, Alice and Rach. We always try to plan outings so we can spend time together and I love it. This outing was always going to bring out our competitive sides and it sure did. We always say "I'm going win/beat you!" But ultimately, there can be only one winner! 
The first game, the start seemed positive for me to win the game with Alice having a very unproductive couple of rounds with many gutter balls. But unfortunately, her luck changed and for whatever reason she managed to pull it all out of the bag and won the entire game. The next time, the game was really on! The first game I had come second but this time, the glory was going to be all mine!

I started strong, even got myself a strike and I knew that the game was going to be close when I had one go left and Hollie, Alice and myself were only 1 or 2 points apart. It was tense but finally the world righted itself and I won the game! I even broke my nail along the way. I always end up snagging or breaking my nail when I go bowling without fail and it always makes me sad. I can never have long nails when I go bowling and it sucks. I sound like such a girl but it takes so much time to grow my nails.
Anyway, the worst part of this whole story is that I didn't get to take a victory picture of my win because for some reason the screen turned off. And I know what you're all thinking, you didn't win if you don't have evidence. But I stick my tongue out to all of you cynics and say "screw you!" I won fair and square no matter what Alice says...

By the time Hollie drove me home, her car had decided that it didn't want to move anymore and cut out. It wouldn't start at all and so I had to get my Dad to jump start her car even though it didn't last long before it cut out again. I think Polly might need a nap to refresh her battery!
Today is great because I don't have uni the whole day. In fact, I only have 2 hours of lectures today. I'm so excited to get home and relax a little. Perhaps have a nap because I can!
Great day...

Love you all, hope your Friday is brilliant because it's the weekend tomorrow and nothing is happier than that!

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