Saturday 28 September 2013

Vet Trips

In the past 5 years of having my cats, there has only ever been two trips to the vets. The first was when Skye was a baby and he fell off of my bunk bed and broke his leg.. He looked so adorable being small with a blue cast bigger than he was. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of him like that! It was super cute.

But, recently, I noticed that his eyes were red, puffy and weeping a little. We couldn't get an appointment til today and so I had to wake up early to go with my Mum to get them sorted out. Apparently, he has cat Chlamydia- which before all of you laugh at it, it's not like human Chlamydia but I thought it was pretty hilarious too! It is basically conjunctivitis for cats where the eye is inflamed and irritable and covers the inner surface of the eyelid and when it gets worse, it covers the white part of the eye. The infection can be caused from direct contact with the disease or a chemical/smoke that causes it.
The estate near us is being knocked down and so who knows what could be buried beneath it and what he could've come into contact with!

He got some eye drops that he needs to have for 5 days twice a day that will hopefully clear it up. If not, we have to go back. I didn't want the infection to get too bad and for him to go blind because they're so delicate.


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