Saturday 7 September 2013

I'm Wanted!!

As some of you may know, on and off, I have been volunteering at my old primary school to get some experience for my PGCE course starting next week. I have just finished an observation week there as part of a mandatory aspect of my course. During my course, I have to go to a number of placements that are working at a school for a block of around 7 weeks each school. My first placement will be in November-December. Normally, the university decides which schools I will be doing my placement at and then it's just a matter of time until they tell me and I go to them.

However, yesterday I found out that my old primary school headteacher has emailed Kingston university requesting me for the first block placement to work there with a Year 1 teacher. Not once did I talk about needing a placement or even that I will be doing any but she went ahead and emailed them anyway wanting me for their school. I feel incredibly humble that she took it upon herself to think that I am good enough to work at her school and so so happy that I am in essence wanted and daresay a little valid. I worry constantly that I won't be good enough to be a teacher and people will look at me and just see that I'm going to fail. But this little snippet of information that she has specifically requested me means that I feel a little more confident that I won't be completely useless and might actually make it as a successful teacher.
I hope that the uni hasn't already given out placements so that they can't accept her request because I really like the thought of working at my old school that is conveniently just around the corner and with people that I already know. I want the uni to say that I can do my placement there but the headteacher said that she should get an email back next week so fingers crossed!

I wanted to share with you this great news because although it might seem like a "so what?" moment to most of you, it is such a massive compliment to me and I can't believe that someone actually requested me. I'm not the most secure/confident person and it never occurred to me that I might be good enough for someone to want.
I'm wanted!

Anyway, I'm going to go before I get all emotional over this fact like a little loser! I love you all, have a wonderful weekend.

OH, and welcome home Hollie Wollie. I have missed you oh so much! 

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