Sunday 29 September 2013

New Phone

It's always a huge excitement for phone lovers that realise that their old contract has finally ended and they get to have a new shiny phone with loads of different things to explore. For me, my old phone contract ends on Monday 30th September (tomorrow) and so today, I went and got myself a brand spanking new phone. It's exciting. If you haven't had guessed, it is a Samsung Galaxy S4 and I can't wait to play with it and discover all of its cool features.
As much as I've just gone and bought one of the newest and arguably the best phones on the market at the moment, I'm not all that fussed about phones. I mean, I want a good phone that I can play with on the train when I'm going to uni but I'm not a person that needs to have the latest phone or have a specific brand. One of the biggest reasons that I got this particular phone was because the contract was initially £37 a month but my sister works with NHS and so she gets 20% off Vodafone contracts for family and friends. It means that I pay just a little over £29 a month. And given the fact my old contract was £27, what is £2 more for a brand new phone and for more internet each month? It makes sense.

For all you people that have my phone number, my new phone won't be changed over to that old number until Tuesday. I'm unsure whether I get tomorrow to use my phone still because my contract ends tomorrow but if I don't reply, please don't hate me. I just can't until Tuesday!

Love you all.
What phone do you have? And what phone do you want?

Also, here's a cute picture of Molly with adorable wings on. She's so cute!

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