Friday 6 September 2013

I'm Relocating

Morning guys, it's a tiddle tad bit early today but I woke up with every intention to ignore my pathetic body and go to work at the school but I feel like shit. Unfortunately, my body has other ideas and I can't physically move to get to work. :(
Yesterday, I was complaining (to anyone who would listen to me) of not feeling well and having a headache whilst also feeling very dizzy and not well in general. But I just told myself to suck it up and just get on with it. I made it through the day ignoring it but when I got home, all hell broke loose. I fell asleep on the sofa without meaning to, I woke up feeling like crap but that wasn't even the worst of it.

I planned to go to sleep at around 10PM because I wanted to get a good night's sleep and get rid of the sick feeling overnight although my blasted body had other ideas. Now, without being too graphic, I was in and out of the toilet 8 times in under an hour. I did not enjoy any moment where I finally thought I was okay to go to bed but then having to rush back into the toilet...
I, therefore, decided that if my body likes being in the toilet so much, that I will relocate myself to the toilet. I could set up a lovely kitchen with a portable fridge and oven to make myself food. Stick in a TV on the wall and sleep on the floor. Done, a lovely one bed flat where my body longs to be...
I hope your Friday is better than mine and you're all feeling top of the morning!

 I haven't had a moany blog for a while so please pardon this one and send me healthy vibes. I seriously need to invest in a new immune system because my current one sucks balls!

Love you all xxxxx

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