Tuesday 3 September 2013

Holiday Drama

Hola chicas!
It has been a long time since I have sat down at my laptop to type a blog for all of you. I also have a lot to tell you since I last wrote a blog. I have, as you all know, been on holiday for the past 2 weeks but even before I set off to the airport, we had a huge holiday drama. I don't know if you'll remember or not, but in one of my blogs I had previously written about the spider bite that I had on my foot that got infected and I had to have antibiotics. Well, on the Sunday that I was flying (18th), I had finished my antibiotics but instead of my foot being back to normal, it had slowly started to blister, swell up twice the size of my normal foot and turn a bright shade of red all up to my ankle. My Dad was up at 7:30 and I ended up not being able to walk so he said we'd quickly go down to A&E hoping that I would be in and out with a new batch of antibiotics to make it go away...
The thing about plans is that they never go to plan. We got to A&E and got seen by the nurse but instead of her prescribing me some antibiotics, she got me a wheelchair and took me to the A&E beds handing me a gown to get changed as if I was going to be a patient there. Me and my Dad looked at each other and just thought "crap!" I got changed, the nurse put a cannula in my arm and took bloods which made everything seem really really real. We tried not to worry and waited for the doctor to come and assess me. The only problem was that the doctor came, took details and then left only to return with a consultant to look at my foot. 
The consultant started talking about the different methods of treating it, and said that I would have to come back everyday to have an injection of antibiotics straight into my foot. He had said that they were worried that 1) the poison from the bite was getting into my bloodstream that would slowly attack my organs if left untreated and 2) that the poison would go to deeper layers of tissue of my foot, which again if left could be serious and ultimately might've ended me having my foot amputated. It was at this point that we decided to tell him that we were meant to be getting a taxi from home in a couple of hours (12PM) to go on holiday.

His words were "she's not going..."

Our mouths were wider than the Dartford Tunnel. It was then that we started to try convince him to let me go. By the end of it, he told us that if my bloods came back with no abnormalities that he would reluctantly let us go even though he was advising for me to be admitted to hospital. We nervously waited for the results to come and this was when we really started to freak out that I wasn't going on holiday. Thankfully, my bloods came back normal and they gave me super strong antibiotics (one 600mg and one 425mg to be taken 3 times a day for 7 days). We almost ran out of that hospital just in case they called me back and didn't let me go.

The worst part of the story is that my foot did get worse in terms of how many blisters I had and if you have a weak stomach, I am giving you fair warning to not look down at the picture that I will post at the bottom of this blog. Or scroll down really slowly so you get a chance to avoid seeing it! It is not pretty but that was my foot for a good 5/6 days. It was terrible and now whenever I see a spider, I feel no guilt to stamp on them and kill them. I will never get over my fear of spiders now. My foot is still healing but it is so much better. I don't know if I will be left with a scar but hey ho, there's not much I can do about that now.

Remember, don't scroll down if you don't want to see it! 

As far as holiday dramas go, it was one that I do not want to repeat again. I seriously thought that I was going to have to spend my time in the hospital rather than actually going.

Love you all, and I'm glad I'm back :D

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