Monday 16 September 2013

Motivational Monday #21

It's Motivational Monday, not Tuesday or Wednesday but Motivational Monday, yeah, yeahhhhh!
We get stuck in a rut. It's a thing that we all know and we all hate. We get stuck into our daily routines where we just go along with the flow. Perhaps in this rut, we hold onto things that don't make us happy. Some of these things are people, possessions and some a negative thoughts. The past is a wonderful thing. It allows us to think about where we have come from and what we have done. It holds wonderful, happy memories and gives us great nostalgic feelings. But the past also gives us a circle of vicious negativity.

The past is a way for us to keep hold of all the bad things in our life to justify them as being part of who we are, but that's not true. The people in your past are there for a reason, and the thoughts you had in the past are no longer relatable to who you are right now. The hardest thing about growing and trying to move on is letting go of the past- of those people and those negative thoughts.
It's not easy but there is a silver lining to letting go. Once you make the decision to let go, it's not just good enough to say it; you need to actually follow through with it and completely commit to it. And when you do finally let go and say goodbye to people/thoughts etc, you will instantly feel lighter.

Sometimes, it's not enough to just say goodbye though because as people we are inherently weak from what we know and what feels safe to us. It's incredibly scary moving on from something to let go and that's where most people fall back into old ruts with old boyfriends etc. or simply old routines. If you have any physical evidence that you know will draw you back into the past, you need to get rid of it or place it somewhere where you can't get to it. If you read old letters or you find old routines, you will fall back into the old habits. 
To truly let go, you need to be ready and if you are ready, I promise you; things will be much brighter and lighter and you'll find that you are much happier with the twists and turns that your life will take.

Be brave and don't think that you are only allowed what you got in the past. You can achieve and have so much more. Let go and feel the fear of getting what you deserve- something better!

Love you all,
Happy Monday

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