Tuesday 17 September 2013

How to Settle into University

There are many of people this week and next that are moving to a different place in order to go to University. Most are straight from school and it'll be their first time living away from home. And from experience, I can tell you that it is scary as hell. It is scary not only because the prospect of bills and money management is boring and laborious but also because you are in a place where you know absolutely nobody. But, don't spend your time worrying and take this list of tips of how to settle into university!

Last week, I had to do some of these tips in order to settle into my new course; so I know that it works.

1. Make friends.
The easiest way to do this is to talk to lots of people. Everyone is in the same boat and is eager to make friends so don't be too shy- just go up, introduce yourself with the usual "what's your name, degree, where you're from etc." The best way to do this if you are in halls is to obviously get to know your housemates and the flats surrounding your own flat. It will give you loads of people to meet for you to then know who you want to be friends with. Also, sitting next to strangers is easy to strike up conversation. If you aren't too confident, just fake it a little to make friends and you'll find that you'll come right out of your shell and discover things about yourself you might not have realised.

2. Be cautious.
My Mum and Dad gave me this piece of advice at the start of uni and I didn't really pay attention because I thought I knew best but it is really true. Just because people are friendly, doesn't mean they are your friends. You need to make sure that you are friendly and are willing to make friends but to be cautious when thinking about going out and getting blind drunk. Pick the good friends that you know will stay with you all night and get you home safely. Also, lock up your valuables in the first couple of weeks because it is a minefield for people stealing your things.

3. Make your room your own.
If you're in halls, make sure that you decorate your room to how you like it. This is your little escape from the stress of work, and from people that you will get sick of after a while of living out of each other's pockets. It also gives you a space to happily do work in. Be creative but respect the rules of the uni, i.e. not putting things on the wall.

4. Be organised.
Get lots of folders and make sure that you have a filing system that is going to work. The amount of work and paper that you will get will mean that you need a system of finding work when you need it. The only way to do this is to be organised with folders and labels. It makes life much easier because when it comes to doing assignments and revision, you'll kick yourself for not doing it early on.

5. Don't stress.
At your first couple of lectures, don't worry too much about the assigned readings because they are the introductory modules and lectures. They are there to ease you into the course and the way university works slowly. Those first couple of weeks are about making friends, finding your feet and having fun. You only get one first year, and one freshers and although work is important; going out and being social is also important for your memories.

6. Know when to knuckle down.
It's all fun and games when you are out and about getting drunk and whatever else people get up to nowadays but you aren't paying 9 grand for a giant piss-up. You are there to get a degree and although you don't need to break your back with work, you do need to pay attention to stuff and knuckle down with some work!

University is one of the greatest memories that you will take with you through your life. Have fun, work hard and create those memories.

I love you all, enjoy your degree! I am enjoying mine at the moment; just not so much enjoying the early mornings.


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