Monday 23 September 2013

Motivational Monday #22

"Oh, what a beautiful morning, oh, what a beautiful dayyyy.."
Or not...

I can't be only the one that sometimes wonders what the hell I'm doing with my life and why I'm trying to make a difference in a world where you're just one of billions. I always rank myself against people and think that I don't compare in the slightest. I never feel like I'm good enough or that I am smart enough but we're all wrong. This is something that I need to remember myself. Just because we are one in so many billion people in this world, doesn't mean that what we do is any less important or have any less impact on the world.
You are the single most unique person in this world at this moment. There is no other human being that is quite like you are on this planet. And you should treasure this. You can make a difference to someone's life every single day. A single smile or morning to someone can change their outlook of the entire day. I've had days when I don't feel like getting out of bed let alone facing the world but when someone has said hello to me or smiled at me, it has made my entire day switch round and the day hasn't been half bad.

It's also when people say "if I change it won't make a difference" on things such as recycling to save the world. Well, it won't make a difference if you don't do it yourself. It might be a small change but it will make a difference and if everyone changed their mindset to say "anything I do will make a difference" perhaps we could save the world.
Do things that make you feel good, things that you know will make a difference in someone's life. Do things that make you proud of yourself. Just because it doesn't make a difference to the entire world doesn't mean that it's not just as important to make a difference in an individual person's life.
It's one of the reasons I want to be a primary school teacher- if I can make a difference and change the path of one child, it's completely worth it. If I listen to one child a day that would have otherwise never have been heard, it's worth more than a million pounds. It's the small things that warm our hearts.

Look for those small things and just change someone's outlook for a minute or two! We all have the ability to put a smile on someone's face.

Challenge of the day: smile or say hello to a complete stranger today. Say morning or ask someone if they want to sit with you for lunch etc. Just be kind and you'll get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

Be someone's ray of sunshine and make a difference!

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