Friday 7 December 2012

I'm free!

I am officially, 100% assignment free for the rest of 2012...

I just handed in my last two assignments with my fingers crossed that they aren't complete and utter drivel, enough to make me finish this degree with a 2:1 outcome. The relief of handing in the assignments is immense, littered with a little apprehension and fear of receiving the marks back.

Unfortunately, one of my lecturers hadn't marked all of our other assignments and therefore instead of handing two in and receiving one back, I have to wait until Tuesday to get my mark back. This both annoys and gives me joy. One because I had mentally prepared myself for getting my mark back and had an epic weekend planned in order to forget about the potentially bad mark and have fun. And it filled me with joy because it means I am in the dark and can ignorantly ignore the fact that the mark might not be my best one for a little while longer. Pros and cons of the situation but that's what's happening regardless of what I feel about it.

Now for the rest of semester dedicated to fun, relaxing and getting into the festive cheer. Sunday, we are having our house Christmas dinner and it's going to one of the best meals I've had in ages. No only for the pure taste, but also for the sheer size and the nutritious value (i.e. having meat, vegetables and potatoes; a balanced meal) I am definitely welcoming the few extra pounds that will be given to me from consuming such a dinner.

Then on Wednesday, Charlotte and I are going to try our hand at ice skating at Cardiff Winter Wonderland and I'm beyond excited. Although, I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up on my bum and my worst fear will become a reality (my fingers being cut off after I have had my momentous fall.) We might just end up surprising each other and end up being the next Torvill and Dean. Bolero, here we come!!

After, there is this little gingerbread hut in town that sells fresh doughnuts and I am going to indulge, both in a calorific and monetary sense, in one of them and going to love it.

Given my challenge of blogging everyday for December, I'm sure you'll find a blog extensive to each activity that I have planned whether you like it or not. Love it or lump it is what I say because if one thing is for sure; I'm going to be shelling out plenty more of these uninteresting, ill-written blogs.

And who's to tell me to stop? Exactly... Enough fake, London attitude from me!

I love you all, have a wonderful weekend; and check back with me for my plans!

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