Thursday 27 December 2012

Post Christmas Sadness

I have a banging headache, and I didn't even drink anything yesterday that qualifies me to be in so much pain...


So, all the festivities of Christmas is finally over for another year. When I think about how much time, money and stress that goes into two measly days, I honestly think we're all stark raving mad and crazy. Name me another occasion when this happens for 2 days...


Anyway, I hope you all got lovely presents and haven't already forgotten about them. I am trying hard to not eat anything today to counteract the thousands of calories extra I consumed over the last 2 days. They don't give you New Year's Resolutions for nothing in the new year. I have decided that I'm not making resolutions for 2013, but rather just try and be the best Nicole I can be all year round.

I don't want to have to set myself up for failure and then feel bad about myself. For example: losing weight or not biting my nails. Although they are good resolutions, they are going to be sometimes during that year that you will fail and if you have set it as your "New Year's Resolution" then you're going to give up, unless you're really strong and resilient. Just do it for you, not because it's a new year..

Later tonight, I'm off to my sister's house to celebrate her 25th birthday. It's weird to think about how old we're all getting. Before we know it, we're going to be 60 odd and in my case probably forgetting who the hell I am...

Don't you all go missing Christmas too much. And don't worry, you only have 4 more days of these rambling, crap blogs before I got back to sporadic, yet equally rambling blogs :P


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