Monday, 30 September 2013

Motivational Monday #23

It's a Motivational Monday when I wish it was Thank God it's Friday...
Laughing makes us happy. Whenever you're having a bad day or you're angry, if you can find someone that will make you laugh, it will make your whole day much better. There isn't going to a perfect person that is 100% always happy or always laughing because quite frankly if there was, I would be starting to wonder whether they were actually human. For real.

But just because you might be having a bad day doesn't mean that it has to stay that way. I think part of the secret of a happy life is to be able to acknowledge that it might not be the best day but to try and change your hardest to change it. There's no point wasting time by always being sad. So, this is why today's message is simply just to laugh at least once every day. Whether that is a full on, clutching sides whilst you cry laughing or if it's just a little chuckle. Laughing helps. It helps us to release some of the pent up emotions that we have inside our bodies and the physical act of smiling when we laugh just brightens our day.

And if you have already laughed at least once a day and find someone that you know hasn't, try your hardest to make them laugh. It doesn't need to be a grand gesture but I seriously do believe in the idea that if we laugh and smile more, we'll all have a better outcome on life.
Give it a go, if it doesn't instantly make you happier, then at least you've given it a go rather than festering in your bad mood.

Laugh often!

Let's start a Mexican laugh (for you who don't understand, it's a plan on the old Mexican Wave and instead let's start a domino effect of a Mexican laugh. Not literally trying to replicate the way a Mexican laughs...)

Love you all, enjoy your Monday!
Also, last day of September. Don't forget your pinch and punches tomorrow!

Sunday, 29 September 2013

New Phone

It's always a huge excitement for phone lovers that realise that their old contract has finally ended and they get to have a new shiny phone with loads of different things to explore. For me, my old phone contract ends on Monday 30th September (tomorrow) and so today, I went and got myself a brand spanking new phone. It's exciting. If you haven't had guessed, it is a Samsung Galaxy S4 and I can't wait to play with it and discover all of its cool features.
As much as I've just gone and bought one of the newest and arguably the best phones on the market at the moment, I'm not all that fussed about phones. I mean, I want a good phone that I can play with on the train when I'm going to uni but I'm not a person that needs to have the latest phone or have a specific brand. One of the biggest reasons that I got this particular phone was because the contract was initially £37 a month but my sister works with NHS and so she gets 20% off Vodafone contracts for family and friends. It means that I pay just a little over £29 a month. And given the fact my old contract was £27, what is £2 more for a brand new phone and for more internet each month? It makes sense.

For all you people that have my phone number, my new phone won't be changed over to that old number until Tuesday. I'm unsure whether I get tomorrow to use my phone still because my contract ends tomorrow but if I don't reply, please don't hate me. I just can't until Tuesday!

Love you all.
What phone do you have? And what phone do you want?

Also, here's a cute picture of Molly with adorable wings on. She's so cute!

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Vet Trips

In the past 5 years of having my cats, there has only ever been two trips to the vets. The first was when Skye was a baby and he fell off of my bunk bed and broke his leg.. He looked so adorable being small with a blue cast bigger than he was. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of him like that! It was super cute.

But, recently, I noticed that his eyes were red, puffy and weeping a little. We couldn't get an appointment til today and so I had to wake up early to go with my Mum to get them sorted out. Apparently, he has cat Chlamydia- which before all of you laugh at it, it's not like human Chlamydia but I thought it was pretty hilarious too! It is basically conjunctivitis for cats where the eye is inflamed and irritable and covers the inner surface of the eyelid and when it gets worse, it covers the white part of the eye. The infection can be caused from direct contact with the disease or a chemical/smoke that causes it.
The estate near us is being knocked down and so who knows what could be buried beneath it and what he could've come into contact with!

He got some eye drops that he needs to have for 5 days twice a day that will hopefully clear it up. If not, we have to go back. I didn't want the infection to get too bad and for him to go blind because they're so delicate.


Friday, 27 September 2013

Forever Friends

Yesterday was an eventful day. I had uni the whole day and then I went out to bowling with my friends, Hollie, Alice and Rach. We always try to plan outings so we can spend time together and I love it. This outing was always going to bring out our competitive sides and it sure did. We always say "I'm going win/beat you!" But ultimately, there can be only one winner! 
The first game, the start seemed positive for me to win the game with Alice having a very unproductive couple of rounds with many gutter balls. But unfortunately, her luck changed and for whatever reason she managed to pull it all out of the bag and won the entire game. The next time, the game was really on! The first game I had come second but this time, the glory was going to be all mine!

I started strong, even got myself a strike and I knew that the game was going to be close when I had one go left and Hollie, Alice and myself were only 1 or 2 points apart. It was tense but finally the world righted itself and I won the game! I even broke my nail along the way. I always end up snagging or breaking my nail when I go bowling without fail and it always makes me sad. I can never have long nails when I go bowling and it sucks. I sound like such a girl but it takes so much time to grow my nails.
Anyway, the worst part of this whole story is that I didn't get to take a victory picture of my win because for some reason the screen turned off. And I know what you're all thinking, you didn't win if you don't have evidence. But I stick my tongue out to all of you cynics and say "screw you!" I won fair and square no matter what Alice says...

By the time Hollie drove me home, her car had decided that it didn't want to move anymore and cut out. It wouldn't start at all and so I had to get my Dad to jump start her car even though it didn't last long before it cut out again. I think Polly might need a nap to refresh her battery!
Today is great because I don't have uni the whole day. In fact, I only have 2 hours of lectures today. I'm so excited to get home and relax a little. Perhaps have a nap because I can!
Great day...

Love you all, hope your Friday is brilliant because it's the weekend tomorrow and nothing is happier than that!

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Ways To De-Stress

If you're finding yourself really stressed with the want to just escape from the world that is causing you so much pain, I have some handy tips for you: 

1. Read
One of the greatest ways to escape from your own life is to read stories in order to put yourself in another world. You can choose any genre and be in any world and you will instantly feel better. There is a sense of peace and comfort from reading even if you don't read everyday. You can be anywhere you want whilst being anyone you want. The stress of your life doesn't exist whilst you're reading. It's absolutely perfect when you're trying to de-stress. Reading is one of my favourite hobbies and it is for this reason that I love it so much.

2. Write
I know these are the cliché tips of ways to de-stress but they are clichés because they work so well. It doesn't mean that you have to carry on writing after you are de-stressed nor does it mean that you have to write a story but simply taking your mind off of the thing that is stressing you by writing can help. I like to write these blogs because they become a sense of therapy for me. They help me to manage my feelings and to take me away from life for the 10 minutes that I spend writing them. A diary is brilliant for this because not only does it give you a chance to write everyday or weekly, but it gives you a chance to reflect on what exactly is stressing you with a chance to maybe change that.

3. Listen to music
If you aren't a reader or a writer, listening to music is great and dancing makes it even better. Most of the time our stresses are because we are overworked and are sitting around too long doing something we don't like. A perfect way to alleviate this stress is to get your mind and body doing something other than thinking. You don't have to like the song but just singing along and dancing is fantastic for making you smile after a particular crappy day!

4. Take a warm bath
If you don't have time for yourself, make the time to have a long bath which will kill two birds with one stone. You need to shower, and so instead of a quick 15 minute shower, take the time to pamper yourself and extend your normal routine to relaxing in the bath. You could combine two of these ideas by reading whilst having a bath. Ultimate relaxation!

5. Sit and breathe
It may sound silly as we do this all the time but instead of churning the stress around in your head; just sit there without thinking and concentrate on your breathing. It does the world of good because you clear your head and get more oxygen pumping around your body.

6. Have an early night
Chances are that if you're stressed, you won't be going to be early or you won't be sleeping very well. Go to bed early and relax. I know it's hard not to, but try not to let thinks whirl around your head. It's hard but think of other things; i.e. things that you are looking forward to in the week or the weekend. Try hard to relax and not stress.

I love you all. We all get stressed but friends and family can help you to unwind. Let them!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Going Through Hell

Today is one of those days that I just want to punch someone or to hibernate until the days don't feel like complete crap. I woke up this morning in a positive mood, happy if not slightly tired. But throughout the day, my patience has worn thin, the lectures has worn me down to being exhausted and stressed. People think that you go into teaching and you just teach; simple. But the behind the scenes means that it is one of the most stressful jobs. And training is even more stressful. I know I sound like I'm saying my situation is worse than any others but I know it's not.

I completely know that my annoyance and anger at today is totally misplaced because I know how lucky I am. And if I take away the irritable mood I'm in now, I'm really enjoying my course. I'm just having one of those days when everything feels like it's an annoyance and you can't help but let it get to you. I just want to sit in the dark and cry until I fall asleep. It's bad but I just can't stay awake or bring myself to do any more work. My life has resulted to being studying and it's getting to me today more than any other day.

My friend, Tom, gave me a wonderful quote just a minute ago and I wanted to share it with you. Just in case any of you are going through one of those days where nothing can be fixed and nothing can make you smile!
Things can only get better, right?

The only thing that is keeping me going today is the thought of Friday in 2 days (which I end at 11AM; thankfully) and the fact that tomorrow I get to see 3 of my favourite people in the world. I am completely ready for some downtime and need a day where I don't come home, do work and then go to bed. I miss my friends!!

If you're having a bad day, I won't tell you to smile because I'm not smiling myself but tomorrow is another day and it will be better!!

Love you

3 Months Until Christmas

2013 is officially flying by. A year always seems like it will be such a long time but by the tiem you get to summer, which quite frankly is what everyone waits for when the start of the year begins, it is already half way through the year. And then it's all downhill from there. Everything speeds by and before you know it, it's a new year. 

It's already autumn, how insane is that? To scare you all, here are a few facts about today:

 There are only 66 days until you can start your advent calendar
 There are only 91 days until Christmas
 There are only 96 days until New Year's Eve
 In 97 days it will officially be 2014.

Have I scared you enough yet?

;) Mission complete!


Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Train Etiquette

I think in the last two weeks, you've heard more about trains in this blog than you have the number of Motivational Monday's there has been. But to continue on given I do take the train four times a day, I wanted to share with you some of the annoying things I have experienced whilst being on a train and the points of "train etiquette" that everyone should follow:

1. Do smile.
The amount of miserable people I have seen at the train station is ridiculous. I know it's hard to smile and be happy when it is raining outside or a Monday morning, or even because it's only just turned 7 but the world is beautiful and being alive is something we should all be happy about. I'm probably one of those annoying commuters that always smiles and looks like I am enjoying the travelling but the fact is, I'm enjoying life. I feel so blessed to be on the course I am doing and to be fit and healthy. I also like to start my day off with a smile as opposed to a grump. So, if you're travelling, try cracking a smile every once in a while please. Life really isn't that bad!

2. Don't take a seat up with your bag.
This one doesn't really apply to me because the trains I get on are almost always fairly empty and so there are a number of seats available to sit on but it really annoys me when someone takes up a seat with their bag. Nobody wants to stand up during a journey and the fact you have a seat means you're lucky. But your bag doesn't need one. Put it on your lap or on the floor to allow someone else to sit down. It's only polite and if you see people struggling for whatever reason, give up your seat please!

3. Wear deodorant.
When a train is packed full, the general smell in the carriage is not a pleasant one. But that is only made worse by people who don't wear deodorant and think they smell sweet without it. The truth is, you don't and deodorant is a must; sometimes more than once a day. Just think about the people you might have smelt on the train and then think "I don't want to be one of those". Go put deodorant on just to be on the safe side.

4. Use your manners.
Wait until other people have got off the train before you barge on. Do say thank you if someone lets you on/off first or holds the door open for you. I know sometimes you have to rush to get a train so if you do bump into someone, say sorry especially with a smile. It lessens the blow of you actually almost knocking them over and they can see that you didn't do it on purpose. As I've said before, give up your seat for others if you feel they need it more and smile.

5. Don't be too loud.
Whether you're talking on the phone or listening to music, please be courteous and don't talk to loud or have your music up too high. Not everyone in the carriage wants to be able to hear the song that is currently playing nor does someone want to hear your conversation about god knows what. It's all about managing you wanting to do your own thing and being out in public.

6. Enjoy your journey!



Monday, 23 September 2013

Motivational Monday #22

"Oh, what a beautiful morning, oh, what a beautiful dayyyy.."
Or not...

I can't be only the one that sometimes wonders what the hell I'm doing with my life and why I'm trying to make a difference in a world where you're just one of billions. I always rank myself against people and think that I don't compare in the slightest. I never feel like I'm good enough or that I am smart enough but we're all wrong. This is something that I need to remember myself. Just because we are one in so many billion people in this world, doesn't mean that what we do is any less important or have any less impact on the world.
You are the single most unique person in this world at this moment. There is no other human being that is quite like you are on this planet. And you should treasure this. You can make a difference to someone's life every single day. A single smile or morning to someone can change their outlook of the entire day. I've had days when I don't feel like getting out of bed let alone facing the world but when someone has said hello to me or smiled at me, it has made my entire day switch round and the day hasn't been half bad.

It's also when people say "if I change it won't make a difference" on things such as recycling to save the world. Well, it won't make a difference if you don't do it yourself. It might be a small change but it will make a difference and if everyone changed their mindset to say "anything I do will make a difference" perhaps we could save the world.
Do things that make you feel good, things that you know will make a difference in someone's life. Do things that make you proud of yourself. Just because it doesn't make a difference to the entire world doesn't mean that it's not just as important to make a difference in an individual person's life.
It's one of the reasons I want to be a primary school teacher- if I can make a difference and change the path of one child, it's completely worth it. If I listen to one child a day that would have otherwise never have been heard, it's worth more than a million pounds. It's the small things that warm our hearts.

Look for those small things and just change someone's outlook for a minute or two! We all have the ability to put a smile on someone's face.

Challenge of the day: smile or say hello to a complete stranger today. Say morning or ask someone if they want to sit with you for lunch etc. Just be kind and you'll get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

Be someone's ray of sunshine and make a difference!

Sunday, 22 September 2013

The Future Question Tag

In light of my 25 random question tag yesterday, my amazingly smart friend, Hollie, told me that I should do a future question tag that you guessed it, asks me questions about what I think about my future! So here goes...

1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
I'm going to put this into perspective for you guys and say that in 5 years time, I will be 26 years old. In 5 years old, I hope to be a primary school teacher in a good school and doing well with my career. I also hope that I will be moved out and potentially living with a friend or a partner. I don't see myself having kids just then but who knows when you will have them?

2. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Given the fact I will be 31 in 10 years time, I hope to either be married and a mother, or be a mother and living with a long-term partner. I would hate to be a single Mum but in 10 years time, I do see myself as being a Mum. Life isn't always black and white and just because you don't want to be a single Mum, doesn't' mean that you won't end up as one. But I definitely want to have a few little jelly beans knocking around by then!

3. Do you think you'll always live around your family or move further away?
Everyone always asks me this and I think that I will stay around this area with my family. My family is such a big family and they mean absolutely everything to me. In the past 3 years, I have lived away from home and it hasn't been all it has cracked up to be. In the past 2 years, I have lost my grandparents and I hated it. I hated not being able to see them in the last couple of months and I can't imagine not seeing my Mum and Dad/siblings on a regular basis. I don't want to miss a minute if heaven forbid anything happened.

I'm too much of a family girl!

4. How many children do you wish to have?
I've always wanted a larger family but not as big as my Mum had. I think my ideal number of children would be 3 or 4. I want my children to experience how close me and my siblings were. I want them to be friends and never feel alone.

5. Are there any names you particularly like for them?
I have always loved the name Lucas/Luke and so think I am going to have to name my child that or give it as their middle name. I also really like the name Ava (pronounced Aye-Va). I think it's so pretty and unique but I don't know if I would name my child that.

6. What do you picture your future love to be/look like?
Enough said...

7. What is the one thing you have always wanted to do before you die?
I have always wanted to parachute from a plane. I am deadly scared of flying and so I don't know how this will actually work in practice but I think it is one thing that I have to do before I die, even if it ends up the way I die from lack of breathing all the way down. I wanted to do this by raising money for cancer research so that it meant something as well. 

8. Where is one place you would love to visit before you die?
I want to visit Australia. I don't care if I have been to tranquillised during the flight to get there but I need to go there once in my life.

9. Buried or cremated?
I don't like the idea of being buried under the Earth and having my body remains there forever. I want to be cremated but then be buried underneath the tree that I want people to plant as a remembrance of my life. I want my remains to feed something so that it can live on and grow. I want to remain a part of this Earth long before I've gone.

10. Are you scared of what the future may hold?
No, I'm scared of what my future might NOT hold. It's a silly thing to be scared of because I can make my future anything that I want it to be. But there are times when I wonder whether I will get the happily ever after. Or if I'll wind up being alone. It's scary but I know that whatever comes my way, I'll make the most out of it. It can't be that hard to find someone to love me and want my babies, right? Anyone wanting that job description, contact me ;) KIDDING!!

Everyone is scared because the future is so unknown but that's the most exciting part of it all...

What are your answers to these questions? Let me know in the comments. I'd love to find out more about my readers and their aspirations and dreams. 

Talk to me!!

Love you all

Saturday, 21 September 2013

25 Random Question Tag

A lot of question tags are answered on YouTube but seeing as I'm not confident enough to actually show my face when I'm sharing my opinions, I thought I would adapt one of the tags I have seen to use for one of my blogs. This is therefore the 25 Random Question Tag...

You can either do this yourself just answering the question, take it for your own blog or if you're brave enough, make a video and put it on YouTube.

1. Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have 2 cats called Ebony and Skye (their names are girly but they are in fact boys.) Recently, I also inherited my Grandad's dogs called Daisy and Tiny (they actually are girls with girly names) and 2 tortoises that have been in my family for over 70 years!

2. Name three things that are physically close to you.
My laptop that I am writing this on. My phone and my bag which includes a lot of random stuff that I don't even need!

3. What's the weather like right now?
It is currently cloudy but not rainy. It's around 16 degress celsius so a little chilly! I went out to buy some winter jumpers - that's how chilly it is getting!

4. Do you drive? If so, have you crashed?
No, I don't drive. I wish I could but I don't have the money to start driving. It was either go to uni or learn to drive and I chose university because I was being sensible... Boring!

5. What time did you wake up this morning? 
I didn't have as long of a lie in as I would've hoped but I did wake up at 9:30AM which is a massive change from 5:30. I don't want to have to go back to waking up then on Monday!

6. When was the last time you showered?
I had a quick shower this morning before I went out shopping.

7. What was the last movie that you saw? 
The last film that I watched was actually at the cinema and it was called About Time. I loved it!

8. What does your last text message say?
Just 2 more shifts, Yeh all good thanks lovely :) hows things at home?! xxx From my best friend!!

9. What is your ringtone?
I actually changed my ringtone very recently and it is now The Fray - You Found Me. I love The Fray, their music is so calming and I could listen to them all day. 

10. Have you ever been to a different country?
Yes, I have been incredibly lucky in my life to have been able to have been to quite a few different countries - USA, The Gambia, Spain, Tenerife, Cyprus, Tunisia and Egypt.

11. Do you like sushi?
I have never tried it but I am very fussy with cooked fish so I am going to have to say that I probably will NOT like it at all.

12. Where do you buy your groceries? 
Well, my parents buy their food from Tesco or Morrisons. Mum likes to change it every now and then.

13. Have you ever taken any medication to help you fall asleep faster?
I might have taken some drowsy cold and flu medicine to fall asleep quickly at some point in my life. It works so well!

14. How many siblings do you have?
I have four older sisters called Justine, Lisa-Maria, Joanne and Zoe; and then a younger brother called Kevin.

15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
I have both in my house but I only ever use my laptop. The desktop computer is too slow!

16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
I will be 22 years old!

17. Do you wear contacts of glasses?
Glasses when I need to see things far away. I am short-sighted

18. Do you colour your hair?
No, I'm too scared that it will go tragically wrong!

19. Tell me something you are planning to do today?
Nothing, I am planning on being very lazy. Although, I did go shopping today so I guess that counts as not being too lazy?

20. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday, it was my Nan and Grandad's anniversary and it's the first year that we are without them both! I miss them.

21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
I love chicken, peppers, mushroom and onion. In fact, that is what I am going to have on top of my pizza tonight! Yum.

22. Which do you prefer, hamburger or cheeseburger? 
Well, I like them both. In fact, I like most burgers, including the pickle inside. I even go as far as eating other people's pickles if they take them out. Does that make me disgusting? I love it anyway.

23. Have you ever had an all-nighter?
Seriously? I've had many, and all of them were at uni. I even stayed up all night the night before my exam. Going to take an exam on no sleep is a stupid idea people and I do not advocate it at all.

24. What is your eye colour?
Mine are a mixture of blue and green!

25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
Yes, but only a little bit; not enough for me to say no to either. I like them both but if I were to choose between the two, it would have to be Coke.

I hope you feel like you know me a little better and that you enjoyed this tag! Have a great Saturday 


Friday, 20 September 2013

Day Off

Today is my first day off in two weeks. Last weekend, I went on the field trip and that meant that I didn't have a weekend to relax. I was super excited for this day to come because I was getting up at 5:30 on weekdays and then before 8 on the weekend, which meant that I wasn't getting a lie in at all. And if you know me, you know I love lie ins. Anyway, today I made the most of the fact I could sleep until whenever and slept in until 11AM. It was glorious and I wish everyday was a lie in day for me.
But even though I haven't had a day off for 2 weeks, I did 4 readings when I came home last night and after I had eaten breakfast this morning, I was back to working away. The surprising thing is that I'm not completely hating working, which I think is a little weird. Whenever I have to do something that isn't very exciting, I end up putting it off until I have to do it last minute. But for some reason, for this course, I am rearing to go and just get on with the work. I think part of the reason this is because I'm busy all day so it just feels right to carry on. It's only when I stop and start doing work that I end up being lazy and don't do it. I like this motivated Nicole because it means that I'm not worrying about having to do something last minute and potentially getting a crap mark for doing that. (I may still get a rubbish mark but at least I know that I tried my hardest)
Other than work, it also feels weird to not be with the friends I made at Kingston. I have been with them for 11 days running non-stop and it felt lovely to be living with them on the weekend so it feels a little weird to know that I'm not going to see them for the whole weekend... Is this becoming a little weird given the fact I've also only known them for 11 days? They're great and I love them to pieces already. I really have found a good bunch of people that are like me and more importantly they LIKE me.

I'm having a great time on this course and feel that it is going to stretch me in ways that I haven't been before. For example, I'm going to have to do Maths, Science, Geography, History, RE and PE, which I haven't done for years. I am going to be relearning things that I thought I wouldn't revisit ages ago. But that's interesting to me. I like learning. I'm a nerd!
I hope you're all having a wonderful Friday and have brilliant plans for the weekend. I shall get back to finding some journals. Love you all

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Train Stories

Throwback Thursday is currently being put on hold until I can get my hands on some more good photos to show you guys. I haven't had that much time to be able to root around all the photos we have but as soon as I do, I shall get back to the schedule of Throwback Thursday. 

So, I have been taking the trains and buses for 2 weeks now and I have had a couple of stories during that time. Today, however, has been a very different day of travelling. And this is for two reasons:

1. Train conversations
When you're going on the same train, at the same time every single day of the week; you start to see regular people and even smile at them. Well, in the last three days, I have seen this one middle-aged guy and it started with a smile in the morning and then yesterday, he asked me how I was. But today, the commuter rules were crossed and we actually had a conversation. I found out that he is an architecture in London and is planning a restaurant underneath The Shard. It's all very exciting considering the day that I'm going to- boring lectures.

I'm not in tomorrow because I have a day off but I shall see on Monday if we make these conversations regular or whether or not it is a one time thing. I feel at home on the train now and know my route like the back of my hand including which platform it is and what times the trains come.

2. Old people
On the train home today, there was an old man by himself looking extremely frail with his bag and I couldn't help but have my heart break. I wanted to so bad give him a hand and to make sure that he was okay but I felt like I would be crossing the boundaries. I don't like the thought of vulnerable old people being on their own and I know that is a bad mentality to have because I don't know how competent they are beside their appearance. It just broke my heart because whenever I look at the old people, I always see my Nan and Grandad and it's so sad. Looking at that old man on the train made me choke up and the size of the lump in my throat meant that I was almost in tears walking to the bus. 

Do you ever have public transport conversations?

Or do you have the same thoughts I do when I see the older generation? I can't help but have a massive want to help them all!

If you see an older person struggling, please take the time out of your schedule to help them. And give your seat up for them on the bus/train! Be courteous.

Love you all,

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Miss Grumpy Gills

After having no weekend just gone to pick myself up, get some rest and de-wind after my first week at uni, I am finding myself to be a very grumpy Nicole. I find that if I don't get enough sleep and have long days, it really gets to me and I hate that it does. I'm a very sensitive person when it comes to feeling emotions and so I feel like everything affects me a little more than usual. It's not even that I'm stressed, just that I get up impossibly early, have lectures from 9AM-4PM and then come in at 5:30 where I work until dinner and then I go to sleep super early because I need to be up early. My life is turning into nothing and because it's only just the start, I am definitely feeling frustrated with it.

I am a big grumpy, moaner and am so looking forward to having Friday off where I can relax and recharge my batteries for the upcoming week. The thought of assignments that I have been given already makes my skin crawl and I can't even face looking at the required readings for my lectures.

I want to be a teacher so bad, but I'm starting to realise that this course is not going to be an easy route to it. Especially when I have to start teaching and making lesson plans. I doff my hat to people that are brilliant at lack of sleep, juggling their emotions and doing all their work. I am not good at controlling my emotions and definitely feel like bursting into tears at any given moment! That or punching something/someone in the face... I'm not sure which would be better but that's neither here nor there.

I'll stop moaning now and leave you to peace on this Wednesday!

Love you all, send me something that will cheer me up. I need it!


Tuesday, 17 September 2013

How to Settle into University

There are many of people this week and next that are moving to a different place in order to go to University. Most are straight from school and it'll be their first time living away from home. And from experience, I can tell you that it is scary as hell. It is scary not only because the prospect of bills and money management is boring and laborious but also because you are in a place where you know absolutely nobody. But, don't spend your time worrying and take this list of tips of how to settle into university!

Last week, I had to do some of these tips in order to settle into my new course; so I know that it works.

1. Make friends.
The easiest way to do this is to talk to lots of people. Everyone is in the same boat and is eager to make friends so don't be too shy- just go up, introduce yourself with the usual "what's your name, degree, where you're from etc." The best way to do this if you are in halls is to obviously get to know your housemates and the flats surrounding your own flat. It will give you loads of people to meet for you to then know who you want to be friends with. Also, sitting next to strangers is easy to strike up conversation. If you aren't too confident, just fake it a little to make friends and you'll find that you'll come right out of your shell and discover things about yourself you might not have realised.

2. Be cautious.
My Mum and Dad gave me this piece of advice at the start of uni and I didn't really pay attention because I thought I knew best but it is really true. Just because people are friendly, doesn't mean they are your friends. You need to make sure that you are friendly and are willing to make friends but to be cautious when thinking about going out and getting blind drunk. Pick the good friends that you know will stay with you all night and get you home safely. Also, lock up your valuables in the first couple of weeks because it is a minefield for people stealing your things.

3. Make your room your own.
If you're in halls, make sure that you decorate your room to how you like it. This is your little escape from the stress of work, and from people that you will get sick of after a while of living out of each other's pockets. It also gives you a space to happily do work in. Be creative but respect the rules of the uni, i.e. not putting things on the wall.

4. Be organised.
Get lots of folders and make sure that you have a filing system that is going to work. The amount of work and paper that you will get will mean that you need a system of finding work when you need it. The only way to do this is to be organised with folders and labels. It makes life much easier because when it comes to doing assignments and revision, you'll kick yourself for not doing it early on.

5. Don't stress.
At your first couple of lectures, don't worry too much about the assigned readings because they are the introductory modules and lectures. They are there to ease you into the course and the way university works slowly. Those first couple of weeks are about making friends, finding your feet and having fun. You only get one first year, and one freshers and although work is important; going out and being social is also important for your memories.

6. Know when to knuckle down.
It's all fun and games when you are out and about getting drunk and whatever else people get up to nowadays but you aren't paying 9 grand for a giant piss-up. You are there to get a degree and although you don't need to break your back with work, you do need to pay attention to stuff and knuckle down with some work!

University is one of the greatest memories that you will take with you through your life. Have fun, work hard and create those memories.

I love you all, enjoy your degree! I am enjoying mine at the moment; just not so much enjoying the early mornings.


Monday, 16 September 2013

Motivational Monday #21

It's Motivational Monday, not Tuesday or Wednesday but Motivational Monday, yeah, yeahhhhh!
We get stuck in a rut. It's a thing that we all know and we all hate. We get stuck into our daily routines where we just go along with the flow. Perhaps in this rut, we hold onto things that don't make us happy. Some of these things are people, possessions and some a negative thoughts. The past is a wonderful thing. It allows us to think about where we have come from and what we have done. It holds wonderful, happy memories and gives us great nostalgic feelings. But the past also gives us a circle of vicious negativity.

The past is a way for us to keep hold of all the bad things in our life to justify them as being part of who we are, but that's not true. The people in your past are there for a reason, and the thoughts you had in the past are no longer relatable to who you are right now. The hardest thing about growing and trying to move on is letting go of the past- of those people and those negative thoughts.
It's not easy but there is a silver lining to letting go. Once you make the decision to let go, it's not just good enough to say it; you need to actually follow through with it and completely commit to it. And when you do finally let go and say goodbye to people/thoughts etc, you will instantly feel lighter.

Sometimes, it's not enough to just say goodbye though because as people we are inherently weak from what we know and what feels safe to us. It's incredibly scary moving on from something to let go and that's where most people fall back into old ruts with old boyfriends etc. or simply old routines. If you have any physical evidence that you know will draw you back into the past, you need to get rid of it or place it somewhere where you can't get to it. If you read old letters or you find old routines, you will fall back into the old habits. 
To truly let go, you need to be ready and if you are ready, I promise you; things will be much brighter and lighter and you'll find that you are much happier with the twists and turns that your life will take.

Be brave and don't think that you are only allowed what you got in the past. You can achieve and have so much more. Let go and feel the fear of getting what you deserve- something better!

Love you all,
Happy Monday

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Swanage Pictures

I've just come back from my University's field trip to Swanage, Dorset where there was more walking than I've done all yet and more rain on the final day than I've seen in weeks. I thoroughly enjoyed my entire weekend even if it was a little tiring but instead of boring you all with streams of writing about my time, I thought I'd show it to you in pictures...

Day 1 (Friday): Old Harry's Rock

Day 1 (Friday): Beach near Fort Henry and Old Harry's Rock

Day 2 (Saturday): Corfe Castle

Day 2 (Saturday): Our handmade art sculpture from collected materials
Day 3 (Sunday): Anneke and Jo walking

Day 3 (Sunday): Lulworth Cove

Day 3 (Sunday): Our big journey up the cliff
Day 3 (Sunday): Durdle Door
Jo, Anneke and Me!
I'm tired.
