Wednesday 8 January 2014

Frozen Film Review

It appear that these days, instead of calling this blog Little Pearls of Wisdom, I should rename it and call it The Crappy Blogs of a Busy Trainee Teacher. The reason for this is that 1) my life isn't very exciting and I don't really have that many pearls of wisdom and 2) if I did have any pearls of wisdom left in my brainless head, I don't really have the time to write them all down and produce a relatively good, well produced blog for you guys and I'm sorry. At the moment, since I start my uni course, I have a couple of good blogs surrounding by a bunch of rubbish ones... I'm thankful you're all still here!
I went to see Frozen, the semi-new princess film from Disney, last weekend and as per usual, haven't got round to write a review about it. Until now! I went to see the film totally in love with Disney. I grew up watching all the princesses and all the other Disney films and I absolutely adore them. Even to this day. It's one of my picks whenever someone asks me what I want to watch- a Disney film. It takes me back to my past and just makes me feel safe and secure. It doesn't matter about what happens because it's always a happy ending and I crave for that in my life. Saddo, yes!

But this one, before I watched it, I didn't know much about. Obviously, the title suggests that it isn't going to be set in a hot country with an exotic princess. I didn't know what the story was about but knew that it would be about a princess and a prince. That was enough for me to go and see it. What I loved about this princess film was that it wasn't your average typical Disney princess film. I feel like Disney is trying to move a little more away from the own sexist view of a princess given the more equal world we live in and I like it. I don't want to spoil the main part of the film but you will see instant love, and you will see unrealistic scenes but I think this film has a little more depth to it than some of their films. And I really did enjoy it.
It was funny at times and I think it had a lot of character in terms of the way the characters were designed. I laughed so much at some of the things that they had put in the film- in a good way, obviously. It included everything that I love in a princess film- a beautiful princess, a dashing prince and a super cute animal that helps along the way. It was a touching film and it did make me smile.
As a 21 year old girl, I really did love watching the film and I recommend it to any child and to any adult that might like Disney and the idea of a princess and a prince film. You can't go wrong with Disney because it takes you back to a place where everything is innocent and anything can happen! Loved it!


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