Sunday 19 January 2014

Les Misérables Review

After months of waiting, I finally got to go see Les Misérables at the West End, in the Queen's Theatre. Before we went and saw it, we went for dinner at Chiquitos and I had a yummy burrito but I was so excited for Les Mis that I gobbled it down so quickly and caused a belly ache. When we were sat in the audience waiting for it to start, the excitement and buzz that was going through me was phenomenal. I love all the songs and the story of the musical that I couldn't quite believe that I was finally seeing it!
And then it began! It began and through the whole way through, I was blown away. It was amazing and I can't believe how talented all the actors were. To begin with, it was such a simple set but they utilized all the space that they could have. It wasn't a very big theatre given only one column of seats for each row and such a small stage but it was fabulous. They had a turntable in the middle of the stage that moved around whenever they needed the set changing and I really liked how they kept it simple.
The costumes were great, lighting and general acting was great. But what went above and beyond was their singing. They could belt out all the songs with what looked like such little effort. I couldn't believe it and I actually ended up holding my breath throughout some of the numbers because they were so breathtakingly beautiful. They were sung with such precision and passion that you could feel the tension and emotion in the air. It gave me goosebumps and sent chills down my spine even though I was boiling. That is the sign that shows me how brilliant someone is.
Obviously, the story is such a bittersweet, sad one and I loved the highs and lows and how they managed to contrast the sad, emotional scenes with the more lighthearted ones. I laughed, and I was shocked. I must admit that I did cry. I almost cried many of times but the very end, I couldn't help the tears that fell. It was such a highly charged performance and one that can be easily related to.

It was such a spectacular viewing that as soon as it finished, I wanted to go and see it again. I give it 5 out of 5 for the whole experience. If you love the story, please do me a favour and go see it. It was sensational. 

And now, the only thing that I need to figure out now is what I want to go see next in the theatre. Does anyone have any ideas? Suggestions?

Have a wonderful Sunday! 

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