Monday 20 January 2014

Motivational Monday #36

Today has been dubbed Blue Monday and that is because apparently, it is the most depressing day of the year. Primarily this is because people are running out of money and the payday  is too far away but it's also because we're in the thick of winter and the sight of any sunshine and warmth seem so far away. It's also because after Christmas and the New Year, there isn't that much of a big occasion to look forward to other than Easter and the summer. AND given the usual depression on a Monday, it doesn't serve to be quite a good day.

This morning, I didn't think it was either. I accidentally dropped my phone getting out the car at 7AM this morning and had walked across the road without realising. Thankfully, Mum hadn't left yet so I legged it back across the road once I had realised and recovered my phone much to my fear and worry. It's a strange thing losing things, isn't it? It wasn't just that my phone would have been lost, but sometimes it's easier for me to put my cards in my phone and so they would have been lost too. From now on, I'm taking a proper purse instead. Anyway, my little episode this morning told me to not look so negatively at things that happen. Bad things will happen but you gotta look at the positive.
Now, I agree this is much harder to do than it is to say. BUT rather than looking at the whole of life as a positive, perhaps instead of harping on at the negative instances that happen, we should instead look at the positive things that happen. Even if this is one thing that happens during a day. We may all be running out of money and things at home might be stressed/depressed/angry/difficult BUT there must be something good about the day that has made you smile or thank your lucky stars. The instance with my phone is the thing that I'm looking on the bright side of AND the fact I got to come home early. I never get to be home by 3 anymore.

And also, we shouldn't buy into the whole media frenzied day that has been publicised as the day when we're all going to be sad and depressed because it might not be the case. Sure enough, people might be struggling but that doesn't govern everything in our lives. Plenty of people today have been happy and it's been sunny, without any rain, which tells me that this Blue Monday crap is a little bit of a made up story.
I say Blue Monday should have a new meaning where we can look up at the sky and literally see the blue sky rather than the murky, horrible, dull, grey clouds.

Just change your way of thinking and make sure that if you are having a bad day, just look for that one small positive to give you a smile. Look for the good, don't just expect it to be handed to you. It's all in the mind!!


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