Sunday 12 January 2014

January Resolutions

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't believe in making New Year's Resolutions. And that's why despite the most obvious choice of blog topic for January, I haven't written a NY resolution blog. BUT, I have expressed my love of monthly resolutions. So, if I have a new resolution for each month, I shall create a blog telling you all my resolution for that month at the beginning.
I decided on this resolution about a week ago but never got round to blogging about it and so I am bringing it up today. I'm not one of these girls that spends hours pampering herself to perfection. The truth is I get bored of that. But I want to be better because I am really lazy. So my two main January Resolutions are:

1. Take my make up off before bed and moisturise every night.

2. Make sure I brush my teeth every night without fail.

Now, after hearing those, you might think 'Nicole you're such a dirty tramp!' BUT, I want you to be honest with yourself and I bet there are days when you can't be bothered. And if you do the right thing everyday, I apologise, I didn't realise I was talking to the only perfect human being out there. I'm not ashamed, I know I'm lazy.
But, I've been doing well making sure I remember. Even on the nights when I've gone out for drinks and come back knackered. So for the rest of the month, that is my goal. And like this blogging experience, I hope to keep it going for ever.
Make up less face... Oh la la!

What are your NY Resolutions? And if you don't have one, why don't you try my montly resolutions and let me know in the comments what they are.


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