Sunday 5 January 2014

Grey Hair, Cushions and Bruises!

Yesterday, I found a grey hair. Now this isn't too much of a big deal if it was a one off find but I have found a couple more grey hairs previous to yesterday and it makes me sad. I'm only 21 and it seems that I'm already having to be on the look out for the wayward wiry hair that is making me feel old. It's not that they are the usual texture and blend in your hair, they are usually shorter, thicker and luminous in my brown hair. I seriously hate getting old and I'm not even that old!! I think it makes it worse because my hair is so dark that the contrast makes it all that more obvious!
I know that before long I'll have too many grey hairs that I will have to dye my hair... I'm just thankful that for now that it is just one here and there and not all over my head. I'm turning into a granny. Boohoo!

Second thing on the agenda; I have a slight recent obsession with finding cushions for my bed. I am now up to 3, bearing in mind that I only have a single bed... I also found a lovely green cushion that I want to get that I think will tie these three cushions together with my bedroom decor. After my grey hair and now the love of cushions, I really think there is something wrong with me and it's irreversible... getting old!
I think they're pretty! And they are very me!

And finally, my skin has once again failed me because my sister's dog jumped off my lap and she managed to bruise me. Now if you know my sister's dog, she's a little Jack Russell Poodle mix and so not a huge, fat dog that would warrant giving me a bruise for simply jumping off my lap. It's ridiculous how easily I bruise and it makes me sad everytime I find a bruise for something tiny that has happened to mar my skin.

Grey hair and bruises = attractive!!

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