Wednesday 29 January 2014

Late Night Lecture

This is a little bit of a misleading title but today, everyone get your shocked faces out, I have to stay for a lecture til SIX PM! That's late. I feel like on top of my travelling, getting home at 8PM is unacceptable. There will be loads of you that don't end work/get home til then most days but for the majority of people, especially at uni, having a lecture til 6 is the only thing they have that day. Thankfully, I didn't start til 11AM this morning but that's still a very long day. And I had a test :(

 I am a little bit tired of going to uni now, it's come to that time in the year when you are so sick of the course. I love the course, don't get me wrong because the content is so different and I really want to learn everything there is about teaching but after having been in education for so long that I'm kind of ready to be out and into an actual job. By the time I start actually teaching, I will be begging for the lack of responsibility in the course but I just want something new. I'm ready for the challenge and I just want to take on the responsibility of a class and to make a difference to people. It's also that time in winter when you just don't want to move from your bed because it's so cold and wet. It's a horrible time of the month!
AND it's getting colder. I'm not good with winter and although it's nowhere near to how cold it was in Cardiff without heating but now that I have to be outside without the comfort of my layers and layers of clothes underneath a onesie, dressing gown and the duvet, it's not fun. And standing on platforms when it's freezing is not fun at all!

I kind of hope that it might snow recently just so that I could have a snow day because the trains won't be running if there is too much snow. I'm such a child. But a good child because I refuse to take a day off when I'm perfectly well enough to go in; I need a good excuse to bunk. I know, I'm a nerd!
Also, hello Wednesday, I'm glad we're getting to the right side of the week, the happier time when the signpost of the weekend is in sight!
Babbling much? I know. That was a little bit like a brain diarrhoea session. Too much graphics? SORRYY


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