Thursday, 11 February 2016

I is for Insecurity

I is for Insecurity
It's strange because being insecure is something that I completely understand yet have no clue about- I find myself thinking back at my life and feel very insecure when I was younger. I was a very awkward, studious teenager that meant I was insecure at school feeling inferior to other people- those that were more popular, smarter or prettier than me. As I've gotten older, I still have my insecurities but I definitely think that I have  lot less insecurities than when I started.
The thing is, I understood why I was insecure as a child and I appreciate the reasons that people feel insecure but what I really don't understand yet is why we feel that way. I think what I'm trying to say is that at one point in all of our lives, there has had to have been an element of insecurity in us all and so we understand how it feels to be insecure but yet there are people that still go out of their way to add to these insecurities rather than remedy them. I look at people who are a little insecure and I want to help them to overcome these but some people aim to push these people further down and that is what I really don't understand. And the saddest part is that insecurity can do some really damaging things to people yet nothing is done?
Insecurity can destroy the strongest person and so I want to make people take a stand. If someone is insecure, build them up, don't try and push them down to make yourself feel better. It says far more about yourself is you are willing to extend a helping and friendly hand to someone than those that walk past laughing.
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