Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Life Reflection

Most of my reflective moments come when I'm in the shower when I really have time to think and one quote kept playing on my mind- 
And it got me thinking about my life and what I've been through these past 5 or so years. It makes me think that this quote is not necessarily wrong but very unjust. I don't exactly know where I'm going with this blog but it made me quite cross when I reflected on my experiences. 

I consider myself an extremely positive person (most days) who will always aim to put others happiness before my own so when I think about how unfair life has been on my family, it makes me question why life is so unfair...

In the past 5 years (since I was 19), I've experienced:
- 3 deaths of close family members
- I've witnessed 2 people almost die in front of me (one being my dad) and contributed to saving one of their lives
- Studying for a degree away from home during 2 deaths 
- My parents almost decided to separate 
- Becoming a carer and all the things that come with caring for someone's basic needs
- The beginnings of depression and an eating disorder

And yet, here I am with great achievements and happiness/positivity to spread to those around me. But when I compare my last 5 years to those around me, sometimes I selfishly question 'why me? Why my family?' It's a terrible thought to have especially as I know if I compared my 5 years with someone else I don't know, mine would be only a scratch on the surface of theirs.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you keep your head up, your heart happy and a smile on your face, you can get through anything.

I truly believe that because it's how I've survived these past 5 years....

I don't know what this blog is but sometimee I miss sharing these thoughts with you. You are like my diary. It makes me feel better purging these thoughts and emotions so thank you xxx
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