Friday, 26 February 2016

X is for Xcellence

X is for Xcellence
So I cheated on this a little because I couldn't think of an X word without it being an xylophone... I had a plan to write about the film How To Be Single and I thought I could use the hook as X Rated Review but the film wasn't hat great and I didn't think I could put that title when it was a bit pants! I mean the film was alright, the parts that were funny were funny but they were few and far between.

Instead, I decided that I would cheat a little and let you know about my week. I have been so prepared for this week- I had all my resources made but that wasn't the Xcellent part!
The Xcellent part is that I am completely ready for NEXT week! Usually I have plans to write, resources to be made and guided reading to plan and resource but for some strange reason, the year 1 team and I have been ON IT! 

We had already resourced the entire week by Wednesday which means that I can enjoy my weekend and the exciting thing that is happening tomorrow!

For today, I am Xcellent!
We have a special cake to make tonight so I'm keeping my blog short and sweet tonight because the dinosaurs are calling me.
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