Tuesday, 23 February 2016

U is for Unicorns

U is for Unicorns
Wait one second and just hear me out, don't automatically think that I've been doing dodgy stuff with this line of thought. I'm one of those people that absolutely loves the idea of magic and supernatural things (except ghosts because they scare the crap out of me) and as a child, I loved the idea of unicorns. I think it's because they were always portrayed as girly with lots of glitter and magic that makes any girl's dream come true...
I wish that there were unicorns today because quite frankly, I would sign up to house one in my garden. Can you imagine how fantastic it would be to have a pet unicorn? Amazeballs.

Random person: "You taking the bus today?"
Me: "No, I'm riding my unicorn home!"

Like seriously? How cool.

Then I got thinking about the ramifications of having a unicorn because obviously, it would be freaking awesome to have a unicorn as a pet whose horn was made out of magic that you could use for making wishes- uh-may-zing! But if I had a unicorn and not everyone did, there would definitely be people out there that wants to steal the magic from the horn- it would be inevitable. So, would they actually just be hunted to extinction like the white rhino is at the moment for its horns? 
We would just be making a magical thing suffer for our own good. I guess with such an amazing creature, it wouldn't be kept safe so actually it would be counterproductive. Once you've had the ability of magic, having that taken away from you would be devastating. At least we've learned to live as mere mortals but if we were bestowed the power of unicorns, it would destroy us all!

In the grand scheme of things, I know it's a good thing unicorns do not exist but let's just imagine a world with them for just a second.
Utopia! FOR SURE!

That's all from my brain today- I have to say it did take a turn for the weird with this letter... I feel it will only get worse as the next couple of letters are some of the hardest. I'm looking at you X and Y and Z... *starts to look worried*
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