Saturday, 20 February 2016

R is for Recluse

R is for Recluse
I have to admit that this week, I have definitely had quite a few R words that could fit this day... Revision for my theory test, Result for me passing my theory test and today Recluse because I have to tell you about a new obsession that I have that has resulted in my wanting to stay in all day doing nothing..
On Wednesday, I went out with my besties for my dinner and an epic game of pool and air hockey (unfortunately, the extreme air hockey game was out of order so we didn't get to play that! *sad face) and on the way home, Rach and I got talking about shows that we are enjoying at the moment. It seems that we are both epic binge watchers of TV shows.
Anyway, if you've been here for a while and know anything about my TV habits, you will know that I adore The Vampire Diaries, Grey's Anatomy and recently found Once Upon a Time as a brilliant show. These American shows do the most annoying thing and go on regular breaks so that there are no new episodes for ages... It meant that I was on the lookout for a new show. This is where Rach came into the picture because she told me about the show 'iZombie.'
When she told me about it, I was thinking 'oh no, not another zombie show' but I gave it a chance and I actually am really enjoying it. I became a bit of a recluse and watched the entire season in the space of 2 days... Oops.

So iZombie is about Liv who went to a boat party one night and got scratched by someone who had taken a bad batch of a new drug- and that turned her into a zombie. She quit her job in the hospital and starting working in the morgue to eat the brains of the people who have died. The part of the show that I think makes it so enjoyable is that when she eats the brains of the dead people, she takes on their personality and has visions from when they were alive. Liv uses these to solve their murders and catch bad people, which is great!
I have to admit that seeing her being an alcoholic one minute, a preppy cheerleader the next and an advice radio show woman the next is what makes it even better. Throw into the mix the story line of her ex-fiance and her best friend not knowing she is a zombie and you get a pretty good show, if you ask me.

I am loving it and I'll let you into a little confession- I almost forgot to blog today because I was watching iZombie... I'm going to end this blog and then get back to it- season 2, episode 3, here I come!

Cheeriooooo brains 
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