Saturday, 31 August 2013

Last Day!

It's the last full day on this holiday at the beautiful Cyprus and I know I don't want to go back home. Probably because I know that it will be back to work and probably hidden under a blanket of grey cloud and rain. I wish England had better weather because it makes everything so much happier. Although, I know that a holiday is only a holiday if you go back home and if you had a holiday all year round, you wouldn't be as appreciative of it. But you always get that sad feeling of having to return home where it's boring and monotonous.
Never mind, I do get to come back to you beautiful readers and thank you for sticking with me whilst I haven't been here. I do hope you've enjoyed this pre-written blogs and they haven't been too boring. I shall share with you some pictures when I get back!

Once I get back to England and started on my course, I'll look forward to the next holiday and the whole cycle of the year will start again. There's lots of exciting things to look forward to until the end of 2013 so make sure you stick with me for those.

At the moment, or so, I am chilling around the pool for my last day. Bliss!


Friday, 30 August 2013

Future Travels

There are a lot of countries in the world, and a lot of places that I know I will probably never get to travel to but there are countries that I know if I don't visit in my lifetime; I will have missed out on a lot. I want to visited a fair few so I'll just get on with it and list the ones that I need to visit or I'll end up crying myself into the bleak future ahead...

1. America
I have this romantic notion that one day, I am going to roadtrip across America trying to get to as many states as I can. I have been to Florida twice for Disneyland when I was younger but I want to visit all the states that don't get as many tourist visitors. I think that it's also a brilliant idea to rent a car and drive all the way through. I know it seems like a great idea, but I don't think I really understand how many miles it will be, how long it will take and how much money fuel will be. But for now, I can keep my romantic notion alive even though it probably won't happen. But, I shall travel to lots of different states but the mode of transport is probably going to be the big metal bird in the sky.

2. Australia
I always pick the furthest away places to want to visit when I hate flying. It figures that the most interesting places would be miles away. I want to go visit Australia, and have Christmas in the sunshine on the beach. I also want to see some kangaroos and experience all the Australian things like having a BBQ and mocking them for saying "throw a shrimp on the barbie" and also saying my favourite saying "you little ripper" to them (joke for Gerri!) I also think that because it's so far away, it feels like the way of life will be completely different and I want to see what it's like. It'd be great to see the Opera Sydney House and all that Australia has to offer!

3. Asia
I know this is not a country, obviously, but I am uncertain where I want to go exactly. I only know that I want to go to another culture that is so far remote from our own Eastern society that I hope I come home and think of life a little differently. I also know that I want to do at least 2 things whilst I'm somewhere in Asia and that is to ride an elephant and to stroke a tiger. I know all your animal lovers out there will be shouting at me for my want to exploit animals in poor countries but it's one of those romantic notions again that I feel like my life would be incomplete if I didn't tick these things off my bucket list. In the past, I have ridden a camel and stroked a crocodile but I really want to ride an elephant and stroke a tiger. I NEED TO! Anyway, I want to go somewhere in Asia...

4. Paris
Hopefully, when I go here, it's not on my own or that will be a little embarrassing. It's meant to be one of the most romantic places in the world and so it has to top those places I want to visit. Although, I know this place would more than likely be only for a weekend because there's only one thing I'm going for and yes, it's the tourist trap! The Eiffel Tower. It's a landmark that needs to be seen and potentially walked up if I have the energy!

I could list you so many different places that I want to travel from India, to Greece and Caribbean to China and everything in between. The world is such a big and beautiful place that it's not possible to miss out any one country.

If you had the choice, where would you travel to?


Thursday, 29 August 2013

Throwback Thursday #13

Considering I'm on holiday right now, I'd thought I'd give you a little tour of the past holidays I have been on. I am blessed enough that my parents save up all year to go on holiday abroad every year. When we were little, we would always go camping and I love those holidays but I have to say, now that I am older, I truly appreciate the efforts they go to in order to get away for 2 weeks in the year. I feel so lucky for them to be so disciplined with their money all year round for a holiday. It makes me appreciate it so much more.

1. Cyprus
I am currently in Cyprus at the moment and the last time I was there it was 5 year ago, so when I was 16 years old. I remember Cyprus as being such a great place to visit. You could walk round the streets by yourself and I loved that. The weather was beautiful and the people were lovely. It was commercialised but you could tell it hadn't hit its peak yet. Although I can imagine that has all changed by now.

2. Egypt.
I have actually been to Egypt 3 times because we loved it so much. I love the weather and the fact that it's so beautiful when the sun is shining. You can go there and you won't be disappointed by the weather any day. It is a great place to go and I enjoyed being able to quad bike in the desert. It's one of those things that you never dream of doing but I got to do it, as well as riding a camel. The only thing I didn't like about Egypt was the fact the people out there are poor and that means they constantly hassle you to buy stuff from them. When you would go out, I would always feel uncomfortable and I hated it. It never made me want to go outside because I didn't feel safe. I know that's mainly because I'm a scaredy cat but hey, I didn't like it.
3. Tunisia
In between this time, we went to Tunisia twice which was almost exactly the same as Egypt but the weather for some reason, wasn't as reliable. It was beautiful nevertheless and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We went snorkelling and also tried our hardest to change our white bodies to tanned beauties. Somehow, it never really works that well. Ha!
I love all three of those places and they all hold a very special place in my heart. We have also travelled to Spain and Tenerife before Cyprus but I either don't remember them that well or we had a bad experience with it... In Tenerife, it started to rain and it actually got so bad that it flooded our hotel... Oops!

Where have you been in the world? I hope you've been blessed to go abroad and if you haven't, save up and do it because the country you live in is just a small part of the world. There are so many other different beautiful places that are just waiting for you to explore.. This is a little foreshadowing of a future blog ;) wait for that one to come out!

Love you all, I hope you've enjoyed this lightly different Throwback Thursday. I shall give you a little more of Nicole picture history next week because we haven't had that in a while!


For more editions of Throwback Thursday, click here and take a browse:

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Bakery Story Review

Whilst everyone else is playing Candy Crush and being completely addicted to the app on their phone, I have found my own little, slightly sad, addiction that takes up all my time... Queue the sad, pathetic looks at me as I announce that I am in love with the game Bakery Story. It's one of those games that you just can't stop playing because it is so fast moving and once you start climbing those ladders, you just can't stop. You get on that first rung of the ladder and the only way is up, until you realise that you no longer have a real life because you're too involved with creating your virtual bakery... I love it!
I don't like games that I can't play and when I get to levels that are too hard that I can't beat, I give up on them. The beauty about the game I am currently addicted to is that there is always an opportunity to better yourself and I really like that. One of my traits is that I am a really bad sore loser, I don't' like to lose and I don't like to fail- I'm a pleasure to know like that. The career type game means that I can never lose, but I can only give up when I realise that I'm wasting my time.
This looks a little like the bakery that I have set up- so little and unimpressive!
So, as you've probably guessed, the whole premise of the game is that you set up your own bakery and make all the lovely, yummy treats so that people can come in, eat them and give you money. People in the community can also leave you tips and you can add neighbours. You get given a number of different goals from adding furniture to your little bakery to cooking specific dishes. I have been playing this game for about a week and I've only just found out how to add neighbours because I'm a bit of a loner and like to stick to my own little bakery world. Unfortunately, the trick of the game is that you need to buy things that are not available through the regular coins. The money grabbers hope that you buy some special gems that cost actual money to buy these things. But I'm a cheapskate and I refuse to spend any REAL money on a game so I stick to all the normal items.
This is an example of a really dedicated Bakery Story player... I am not this obsessed with it FYI.
I've gone through so many of these different games such as creating your own little town to your own zoo and now to your own bakery. I don't know quite what it is that draws me in but it does and I can't help but keep playing every time I download something like this. If you like these sorts of career mode games that you can easily play, give Bakery Story a go because the goals are fairly easy and I'll tell you that you'll get fairly attached to this little game quite quickly.
I don't know how many of you have potentially lost some respect for me, but I really don't mind because I like it and if you can't be yourself, then what is right with this world? Nothing I tell you.

Don't be afraid to be who you are and to tell people what sorts of games/music/films you like- you're an individual and if the person doesn't like it, screw them. Little bit of motivational advice there within the midst of this review.

If you play this game or you decide to download the app to play, let me know if you love it or hate it. Or if you think that I'm a loser for being so hooked to it. I'd love to know what your favourite mobile phone games are and whether they're worth downloading because on those days when you're bored, they're great to occupy your time!


Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Plane Etiquette

So, in a couple of days I am flying back home and thought about how uncomfortable and sometimes horrible flights can be. I have, therefore, devised a list of dos and don'ts of what to do when you are flying. I hope that you all do the dos and all don't do the things you shouldn't do.

1. Do be courteous
There's no harm in being kind and making sure that if you're sitting next to someone who you don't know that you don't take up all their room or lean over their personal space. You get a designated seat that should be big enough for you and you only. When I get into a seat, I don't expect to have someone demanding my space as well. It is very cramped on a plane and so it makes matters worse if you get less of the space you are allocated. This annoys me with men. They have to have their legs wide open when they sit for obvious reasons but it means that the people beside them have to close their legs more so they don't awkwardly touch. Who wins and loses in that scenario? Just think of others as well as yourself.

2. Don't be too loud
Everyone is trying to have an enjoyable flight and most of the time that either means they want to read a book, listen to music or catch on some sleep. This isn't to say that the plane needs to be deadly quiet and I wouldn't expect so but we have all had that one family that is so loud you just want to chuck them off the plane. You just need to remember that you aren't alone in the plane and there are another hundred or so people around you who you might potentially be annoying. If you do gnat to talk the entire journey, make sure you do quietly or take breaks to give other passengers breaks.

3. Do try to do your business before you get on the plane
Although there are toilets on the plane, there plane is also an enclosed space with no way for fresh air to come in and out of the cabin. It means that if you don't do your business so to speak beforehand, the likelihood is that you'll need to go on the plane. People unfortunately have to sit next to the plane toilets and the worst thing is to have to smell other people for half of the flight. Try to be nice and not do number twos on the plane unless it's absolutely necessary. Nobody likes that.

4. Don't recline your chair as far back as it can go
It may be more comfortable for you but there are people behind you that get royally pissed off when people recline their chair and impede on their space. As I said before, space is limited and you feel angry at the person in front if they recline their chair completely. It would be nice, however, if you would ask the person behind you if they would mind if you reclined your chair. At least then you can recline your chair with a guilt free feeling. Just be nice.

5. Do considerate of other passengers
When you're getting off the plane, I appreciate that it is a rush to get off to get your luggage and get to your hotel but the more you're ignorant and demand all the space, the more people are going to look like you've just murdered a small bunny rabbit in front of them. It takes two seconds for you to let other people out if they're stuck in their chairs in their aisle because everyone is pushing past them. It's just nice and considerate for you to stop yourself from pushing in front and just stand past and let someone out. They'll be surprised, thank you and you'll have done a good deed. You have to wait for your luggage to be put on the carousel anyway.

6. Do help others put their overhead luggage away
If you're gifted with being tall, it might be nice of you to offer to put someone else's luggage in the overhead storage. If you're look at someone who is struggling, it doesn't cost a think to offer your services to help them out. They'll be appreciative and you can start your plane journey off with a nice note of kindness.

7. Don't take the overhead storage space of those in rows ahead of you
Think about where you are sitting and where your storage space is. If you use the people's space in front of you, they have no place to put their luggage and so they have to take someone else's It's not only rude but it also causes a knock-on effect so that there is some passengers left with no space to put their luggage. Use your own and leave others to their own.

8. Do use deodorant
This is self explanatory- no one wants to sit next to a smelly person!

And enjoy your flight!


Monday, 26 August 2013

Motivational Monday #19

When you get your time away from school/work to go on holiday, I feel like it's your ultimate time to be a lazy bum and not do anything. This is why my quote for today is one that I am doing this very second!
Don't you dare feel guilty for not doing anything or falling asleep on the sun lounger in the middle of the day when all you've done is wake up because you deserve your holiday. You deserve the break away from the hustle and bustle of the world and the city. Life is stressful and unless you win the lottery to quit the world of the fast paced workers, you need to remind yourself that you aren't a machine. You aren't a machine that doesn't feel, you get tired and overworked. It is then that you need to take a holiday and relax.

It is then that you need to have nothing to do all day, every day for a couple of weeks. Life is hard but holidays can make it a little bit more bearable.

Enjoy yourself and don't feel guilty- guilt is for those that don't deserve it; but you do!

If you're not on holiday, remember the weekend is a small holiday you get every week. Make it count and don't bring work home with you! Leave it at the door and enjoy your life.

I love you all!

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Next Year's Holiday

All of these blogs are either going to be about feeling beautiful in whatever body type you possess or my holidays (past and future)... It wouldn't be right to not talk about holidays seeing as I am on one at the moment. I have gone to Cyprus with my parents and my brother. I have always gone on holiday with my family except for a camping holiday with my friends when I was 18 years old. I loved it and we had bundles of fun but now we want to go somewhere abroad. We had been planning to go to the Lake District this summer but most of us had just finished uni and therefore were so poor that I probably couldn't even have rented out a bin for that holiday.

So now, the plan is to go on holiday together next year after we all have had a year to save up the money to go abroad for 10 days or two weeks; whatever we can afford. I really hope it happens because I think it'd be a great time, if not a little annoying at times ;)

All my specifications for this holiday is that:

1. It's not too expensive.
I don't want it to cost me an arm or a leg but I am willing to spend enough in order for us to go somewhere nice so that it's not a moment when we get there and we think "what the hell did we book?" I'm not a snob in where I go, at all, I've stayed in a 2 start hotel before; I just want it to be nice and for us to be able to look back on it and think "that was a good holiday" not "that was a dirty, horrible hotel that made the whole holiday suck."

2. It is in a place where the sun shines
I'm not a fan of going away for holiday and not coming back with some sort of suntan. I am not a girl that wants to go on an adventure holiday, I like to lounge around the beach and unwind from the stresses of life. I also like to be able to go out at night to have a few drinks, only to start the whole day again. If it rains when I'm on holiday, it feels like I've paid money for nothing, for weather that I could've had back at home. It needs to be weather that we rarely get here at home.

3. It's with my friends
Sorry, you're not in this one Tom and Rach...
Even with this list, I know that as long as it is with my friends, I'll have a blast regardless. You can turn a shitty situation into a good one just by your thoughts and mind if you're having fun with people that you love.

Where do you want to go next year? Have you got any destination suggestions for us?

Let me know! :)

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Favourite TV Series

I am a great sucker for TV and before I had written a blog about my favourite TV shows:

Now, those are the TV shows that I am currently obsessed with but there are a few TV series that I used to love when I was around 15/16 years old that I haven't mention. And from request from Chloe (dedicated to you), I thought I would talk about two of her favourite TV shows as well that we are and were both obsessed with. Those are number 1 and 2 of my list with 3 being one of my own favourites. These, quite coincidently, are all American TV shows- you have to love them even if you try so hard to hate them. You can't help it!

1. Dawson's Creek
This is an old classic. It follows the friendship of three characters- Joey, Pacey and obviously Dawson (staring Katie Holmes, Joshua Jackson and James Van Der Beek. It gives the troubles of growing up with such close guy friends for Joey and she obviously flits between the two main characters changing her mind at every pillar and post. The real beauty of this show is that it is such old school with the filming, the acting and all the little bits in between such as the fashion and the quotes. It's not just a favourite because of those things but the show has a way of making you feel completely in touch and compassionate with the characters. Also, unlike most American shows nowadays, the characters are smart- they use borderline pretentious vocabulary but it serves you show you that there is more to life than getting drunk, sleeping around and messing up your life. I love that they are smarter than most of their viewers and somehow they make that okay and good! It makes you love them as much as you love your own friends and I know that it's a sure favourite of anyone who gave it a chance when they were younger.

2. One Tree Hill
Now One Tree Hill is almost the complete opposite to Dawson's Creek because it follows the stereotypical American High School kid labels. There is the smart, unpopular girl (Haley) who is best friends with the unpopular, no-dad sports guy (Lucas). Then you have the popular girls (Peyton and Brooke) who each love and lust over the popular sports guy (Nathan). They are all the clichéd characters that are in an American school. However, you may think that from that description, the show isn't that great but you'd be wrong. I love this show because the characters, besides their stereotypical roles, are lovable. There are so many characters and so many different stories to follow that there is always drama and always excitement that you can't help but want to watch the next one. You also get to see the characters grow from high school to real life and I really like that. When I get attached to characters, I never want to let them go, and this show literally never does let them go. It deals with loads of scenarios, many that are exaggerated and unbelievable but then again, that's half of what makes it so great!

3. Charmed
I always love a good supernatural show and this one is so old school that it kind of makes me sick how many times I have happily watched reruns of it. It follows three witches who just happen to be sisters and are the most powerful witches. There are subsequently demons and just about any other supernatural being that you can think of. They then have to "vanquish" them all to make the world a safer place. They each have different powers (Piper: ability to freeze and blow things up, Phoebe: power of premonition, Prue: telekinesis; power to move objects with her mind). The beauty of this show is that not only does it follow the demons etc. that they have to face but it also follows their own personal stories that highlight their struggle between being a witch and trying to fit in with the mortal world. I really love this because I secretly wanted to be a witch and would embarrassingly practice my Piper hand movements in order to try and freeze people. Surprisingly, it never worked, funnily enough... Also, without spoiling any of the big stories, a fourth sister was added named Paige.
What were your favourite TV shows that you followed avidly when you were a teenager? Did I name any of them? Did you watch any of the ones I said and think they were shockingly bad? Let me know in the comments, I always love to know how different people's likes and dislikes can be so please, leave me messages!


Friday, 23 August 2013


There is a great myth about skinny people, and that is that they are both not fat and healthy. Although, as many should know is that this isn't the case. It's not the case that if you're stick thin that you're super healthy and you aren't fat because everyone has fat in them regardless of your size. I heard of this little acronym the other year when my sister called me it and it's so true that I wanted to share it all with you...

Thin on the
Fat on the
Just because I am skinny and a size 8 does not mean that I am not secretly fat. In fact, I know that I am fat on the inside. I know that irrespective of my size, I don't eat very well. Yes, I do have well balanced meals with lots of fruit and veg in my diet but I also have a heck of a lot of fat, sugar and overall bad things on a daily basis. This is why I know that I am fat on the inside.

I can't physically see the pockets or layers of fat in my body but I know they are there. I know that surrounding my organs, there are probably more fat layers that I realise that are squishing them and are potentially going to cause me trouble soon. I also know that because I am fairly skinny that I don't always take care of myself as much as I should because the outer image of ourselves is all people really think about. But that's not true. I should do a lot more exercise than I do to be healthy and not just skinny.

It goes to show that just because people are skinny, does not mean they aren't fat. That is why I wanted to write this blog today because everyone has some misconception that being skinny means that you aren't fat and it isn't true. 
I'm skinny but I know that I'm fat. Not in a "look-at-me I-want-a-compliment" type of way but in a medical sense, I am.

People are so concerned with their size that they don't realise that size isn't everything. Size doesn't mean you're healthy and it definitely doesn't mean you're not fat. We all need to change our way of thinking to a more scientific and truthful way. Don't hate your body!


Thursday, 22 August 2013

Throwback Thursday #12

We started this segment of Throwback Thursday showing pictures of me when I was little and then took a little tour of the old school things that I grew up with and to continue with this, I thought I would give you one more edition of things from my childhood. This time, I am going to take a little journey on my favourite sweets from the 90s. I'm sure plenty of these sweets are around nowadays but I'd like to know if there are any that aren't...

1. Penny sweets
I know these are definitely not around anymore. These were the greatest invention on Earth and I'm so sad they no longer have them. They were like the pick and mix sweets nowadays but instead of weighing them, there used to be penny sweets, and two pence sweets going all the way up to 10 pence sweets. The sweet shop owner would give you a little tray that you would fill with lots of penny sweets. You would then take it to the counter and they would sort through them all counting up all your treasures. It usually took a while and I don't know how they didn't lose count but it meant that you could literally get 100 sweets for a pound. To think of that nowadays, it makes you question what is so exciting about that. But when you think you pay £4 for a cup, it does make you think how many sweets you could get for that amount back then. I feel terribly old talking about this now that I doubt many will remember this now.

2. Black Jack and Fruit Salad
I hadn't seen these on sale for years and then it was only the other week that I was in Tesco and Gerri picked these up for us to eat on our cinema date and it blew my mind. I had forgotten about how much I had loved them and didn't realise until I tasted them again. They were an iconic sweet of my past and everyone would hate the black jacks but I did like them. They also made your tongue turn black and that made them cooler somehow?! My favourite was the fruit salads though just because of how refreshing they were when you ate them.

3. Dib Dab and Double Dip
This was a child's dream and a parent's nightmare. This sweet, like most, was pure sugar but you can't get anymore hyperactive than  when you ate these. It was a hard sugar lolly that you would lick and then dip into the sherbet. The sherbet would stick to your saliva and then you would lick the sherbet off and continue to dip it until all the sherbet was gone. I don't know why it seemed like such a great sweet but I have a feeling it has to do with the fact you are doing something whilst you're eating it- dipping it into the sherbet. And also the fact that there was a heck of a lot of sugar for you to consume. The only thing I found with these was that your fingers got all sticky and the packet would always scrunch down and it was so tricky to get the last of the sherbet.

4. Push Pop
Packaging gets little kids every time because this sweet was essentially just a normal lolly but the packaging definitely made it more appealing. It was so cool to kids that you could push up the lolly and then put it back down to save it for another time. You always had that moment when eating a lolly where you don't really want it anymore but you have to eat it otherwise it goes to waste. Well this solved all your problems, because you could just push it back down, put the lid on and carry it around with you til you wanted it again. It wasn't even that good of a lolly and most of the buying definitely came from the new way to eat a lolly. How very Western of us to be like that...

5. Candy Necklaces
These were one of the greatest sweets because you could wear them around your neck and carry your sweets with you. You would then pull it away, bite it until each little circle would break it half and eat it. Sometimes, I would eat half of it, keep half on the string and then fire it at people like a slingshot. It was not just a yummy sweet but was a great weapon. The more you ate of it, the more the string that made the necklace got all sticky and it would end up becoming a mess but I loved it. My Mum would buy great big boxes of these from Macro and I remember after, they brought in the bracelets and the watches to complete the set!

6. Toxic Waste
These are by far the worst sweets known to me when I was younger. They were so intensely sour that it would make my teeth hurt from the amount of sugar packed into them. They were not sweets you enjoyed but rather ones you took into school to either a) give to your friends to watch their hilarious reactions or b) ate them at school to make yourself look cool. Nothing about eating them was a lovely experience and I have to admit, I did buy these once or twice when I was in high school because they had become the in thing but I quickly found out that they weren't worth the money.

Which of these are still around and which ones did you have when you were younger? Of course, as always, I couldn't put all the sweets down that I used to have but these are some of the most memorable. Are there ones that you think I should've included and if there are, let me know in the comments :)

Love you all!

For more editions of Throwback Thursday, click here and take a browse:

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

My Summer Reads

I have another obsession and that is reading. I love reading and how much of an escapism it can be.You can choose any genre to read and you can be transported into a world much unlike your own where anything can happen. Every turn of the page brings another element of unknown and although normally that is scary, the thought of being surprised only adds to the pleasure of reading. If people don't understand the thrill of reading, they just haven't yet picked up the right book that convinces them enough to change the way they think for the duration of time they read. It makes you feel like a different person for a little while and sometimes that's the best therapy.

In summer, I always have the most time to indulge in my greatest hobby where I can sit around readnig a whole book in a day. I have no responsibilities to go to lectures or do coursework, which is great. I love nothing more than curling up on the sofa with a book or the kindle to read a book and be thrown into a world that the author has so beautifully created.

This summer, without a doubt, my summer author is and has been Jodi Picoult.
She is one of those writers that can create a world that has so many emotional twists and turns with great story lines that appeal to both your maternal and empathetic personality. It gives you all the reasons to cry and all the reasons to grin by the end of it. They are so beautifully written that you can't help but put yourself in her character's shoes. Of all the stories I have read, my heart has been in my throat for the majority of the time. So many great problems are dealt with in the stories with such intelligence and thought that she masters them as if she has personally gone through each and every experience.
She's a great author and I seriously suggest you give at least one of her books the time of day. You can't go through life without having read one of Jodi Picoult's books. I won't allow it.

Go pick one up from the library and gorge yourself on magnificence that is her books. I love them and I hope you love them too!

She is my summer read. And as I sit beside the pool, I am currently reading and enjoying one of her stories. Amazing!

I miss you all!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Island Of Cyprus

I am currently in Protaros, Cyprus and I realised that some of you might have never been to Cyprus and so I thought for this blog, I would give you a little overview about the Island of Cyprus.

Cyprus is located in the Mediterranean sea and is the east of Greece and south of Turkey. Cyprus is in the European Union and is the third most popular island in the Mediterranean. 

Their flag
Cyprus is home to around over a million people (on estimate from 2011: 1,117,000). It has a land area of 3, 572 square mile. The capital of the country s Nicosia with the country's official languages being Greek and Turkish. The island is split into the "Greek side" and the "Turkish side" - there is some tension between the two.

The average temperature for Cyprus is 33-35 degrees in August. 

I loved Cyprus last time and considering I am pre-writing this, I can only say that I am quite certain that I am thoroughly enjoying it this time. But you'll have to wait to find out about my real, true feelings about this country!

How's everything back in England?
Missing me yet?
